Deal with the Devil

Start from the beginning

The last bit was more of a cheeky and patronizing ruse more than anything else. Though it did exactly what he set out to do, and catch the man's greed-driven interest. There was a pause as he eyed the car suspiciously. "What are you saying, lab rat?" he demanded lowly. To KARR's keen displeasure he took the 'experiment' excuse for all it was worth.

But he couldn't dwell on that now. If he was going to get his way and get it quickly, he needed to let the insults slide. At least for now. "What I am saying," he replied smoothly, "Is in light of the fact I have many connections and abilities, I believe we can assist one another."

The boss narrowed his gaze once more, but he considered this. KARR couldn't be happier to practically see the gears turning in his head. "...Alright.. Let's say I agree to this... Why should I? What is it you have to gain from teaming up with the Cartel?" he asked.

"Nothing you need concern yourself about. Nonetheless it stands that our goals currently align. All you need to know, is that we are virtually on the same side." He kept his tone bright and calm, as if he truly meant no ill will. "And if you can get that girl to me...alive," he clarified, "Then I can promise I have ways of persuading her to cooperate." There was a hint of menace in KARR's tone, indicating well enough that he had just as much reason to use her as they did.

A thoughtful hum came from the boss, but then his suboordinate sidled in with an apprehensive glare to the AI. "I don't like this, Johnny," Dakota warned with no attempt to hide his lack of trust in the situation. "We can do this without the help of some possessed metal can."

Irritation seemed to bubble beneath KARR's shell. Why was everyone so insistent upon thinking he was some kind of spector? Was everyone around here that stupidly superstitious?

It baffled him when laughable things like that didn't exist. Certainly technology of his caliber was unique and rare, but science and computer programming were far more plausible than anything 'supernatural.'

He had to get these imbecilic cretins back on track. "Ah, but of course," KARR chimed in. This time, however, it was with biting sarcasm. "I am sure you can handle the government agent travelling with her. Not to mention the other indestructible, highly intelligent technological being like myself." Every ounce of his dominant programming hissed and seethed at the slight yet nonetheless forced compliment. That had been the nicest thing he had ever said about that cheap, production-line copy.

And he hated it! Even so, he put his personal feelings aside and went on with a knowing, sinister drawl. "Although, would it not be so much easier to have one at your disposal?"

This time even Dakota appeared to be having second thoughts while Dillon stood smugly with his hands on his hips and eyeing the bunch expectantly. If he actually caught the part about KARR's doppelganger he didn't show it. Otherwise he didn't care. Talk about in one ear and out the other...

At least he had succeeded in making these humans uncertain of their own capabilites again. As long as he controlled the outcome using their doubts, his own goals were firmly in his grasp.

The boss, Johnny, finally spoke after a long and silent deliberation. And he nodded while taking another drag of nicotine into his lungs. "Okay, lab rat," he exhaled. A thick cloud of the smoke wafted around him and Daktoa both. "You got yourself a deal." Then he sent a cautionary glare at Dillon with a similarly worded gaze as Dakota's earlier.

Except this one clearly said, 'This is your last chance.' "So...Dillon," he addressed slowly, a keen uncertainty still etched into his voice as he gestured for him to follow. "Why don't we head inside? Up to my office, and we can discuss the details over a drink." With a final distrustful yet contemplative glance to the vehicle he added, "...You can relay the finalized plans to KARR later."

Without protest KARR simply watched them go along with the rest of the group, noting all the while how Dillon beamed with that ignorance of his and shoved it in Dakota's face with a self-satisfied insult on the side. It was a wonder how he got away with saying that to someone who could literally stab him in the back.

Maybe that leader had a tighter reign on his people after all. Who would've thought. From the way Dillon and the others acted before, KARR wouldn't have been able to tell otherwise.

Either way, it was no concern. As long as he got what he wanted that was all that mattered. Knowing the pattern these humans always had, and having easily seen the early signs, he could surmise they were going to devise a 'plan B' as well as some scheme to permanently make him their ace.

Thankfully, he knew much better than that. Whatever double-cross that snake of a leader was already plotting, he would work his way out of it. Starting with hacking through any signal jammers to listen in to the next leg of their conversation.

You really think you have the upper hand, he thought with the Cartel leader in mind as he tuned through the internal chatter of the casino. So far, the AI was perfectly satisfied with his efforts. But you're wrong. You are the one at my disposal. And by the time you realize that, I will have already bested my enemies, and the lot you.

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