Tendou x Reader Christmas Special

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Mistletoe. It. Was. Everywhere.

Thanks to your lovely boyfriend, and his silly little ways of getting more affection out of you without having to ask. Not that you were complaining, you loved when your boyfriend would come up behind you and pepper your face with kisses. And the mistletoe also puts your house into the festive spirit.

But the mistletoe has gotten to a point where it is no longer just in the house. Getting in the car, mistletoe above your seat. Opening your locker, mistletoe on the door. Walking down the halls, mistletoe hung on a string and stick held by Semi. In class, in the doorway.

The last thing you were expecting was for Tendou to go through all the trouble just to get a few extra kisses here and there. But you never thought that it would all accumulate to this moment, and if you did you would look for the mistletoe more avidly at school.


2nd POV

Walking through the halls after your final class before the break was rough. Everyone was pushing and shoving to get their shoes so they could leave and relax a bit. Walking through the halls you would usually not pay that much attention to your surroundings but something caught your eye.

Looking up slightly, you could see the tails of mistletoe. Pausing you looked around for Tendou to see if he would pop out from a corner to give you a kiss. But alas he did not, so you continued on your way through the hall but you kept spotting little pieces of mistletoe scattered around on the walls and the ceiling.

Finally getting to your locker, you opened it and grabbed your boots from inside. Quickly replacing the shoes on your feet with them. Then grabbing your jacket and slipping it on so you would not freeze. Just as you pull your hat from your locker you notice something slip out and flutter to the ground in front of your feet. Picking it up you go to look around to see if anyone put it there.

Seeing that nobody did, you thought it might have been an extra note that slipped out of your bag. So you went to close your locker when you noticed a box in the very back of it. Reaching in you pulled out a small crown box tied with a shiny green ribbon and a piece of tape was stuck to the top of it. Looking at the piece of paper that you had found at your feet you realised that they went together.

Opening the card that you were given you read the neat words written onto the paper. 'Follow the mistletoe'. Slipping the box and the card into your bag, you looked around the area for more mistletoe. Noticing some leading out the door you started to follow it.


Tendou POV

I. Cant. Wait. They are going to love this surprise. Tendou for the last day before the break, had decided to surprise you with a gift that he knew you would love. Now all he had to do was wait.


2nd POV

The mistletoe lead you out of the school and down some of the paths towards the gym. AS you drew closer to the gym your boyfriend usually practiced in, you began to have an idea of who sent you on this mistletoe scavenger hunt.

Reaching the entrance of the gym you slipped your boots off and put them off to the side so as to not make too much of a mess in the gym.

Looking around you noticed the lack of light in the gym which was a strange science. Usually the windows were open to let in some light even when the lights were off. Stepping farther into the gym you were momentarily blinded when the lights flashed on. But they weren't normal lights, no, they were twinkling Christmas lights wrapped across each of the railings on the upper level of the gym.

Looking to the centre of the gym you saw your boyfriend standing in the glow of the lights with his socks on and a speaker beside him.

Walking towards him he reached his hand out to you, to pull you into him. As you were pulled into him a slow waltz began to play from the speaker.

"Happy Holidays (Insert Name)" Tendou said, as he looked down at you with a calm smile.

"Happy Holidays Tendou" you said, looking back at him with the same amount of love. Then Tendou looked up, his soft smile turning into a cheeky one. Nudging your arm a bit, causing you to look up, you saw a sprig of mistletoe hanging above your heads.

Looking back at him you smiled slightly as you leaned up to place a kiss on his lips. Smiling into the kiss, Tendou hugged you close to him as the two of you swayed to the music. You could stay like this forever.


Word Count: 828

Date Published: December 24th 2021

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