Part Thirty Two- Home

Start from the beginning

"You let him go." I told Gally and boy wiped away his tears and regained himself, looking into my eyes.

"I'm glad your not dead shank." He said and I smiled.

"Yeah, me too." I said, taking a deep breath and looking out. "I just wish we were all here."

After that, me and Gally sat in a nice silence, a silence that I enjoyed. I looked back at the rock of names and realized that there was one missing, one that I had to carve in. I stood up slowly, patting Gally on the shoulder before I slowly made my way over to the rock.

I stood in front of it, admiring all of the names covering it. I rubbed my hand over Teresa's name, finally accepting the fact that she was gone no matter how hard it was to admit.

"Need a knife?" A voice asked from behind and I knew it was my father. I turned to him, not knowing whether I was as ready for this as I had originally thought I was. He pulled out my own knives, the ones I thought I lost in the Last City, and handed them to me.

I clutched the handles tightly, turning my knuckles white as I placed the tip of the blade against the rock. But when I was about to begin, I stopped, freezing in place and not being able to continue. I then felt my father's hands steady my own which were trembling and I looked over to meet his eyes.

"We'll do it together." He promised and I nodded, taking a deep breath as we began the carving. Slowly, we got the first letter.


Then we moved on to the next.


I felt everything inside of me break as I continued, but my father held me up as we craved the next letter.


And the next.


And the next one.


Finally, me and my father backed away from the rock, the tears streaming down as I looked at my mother's name carved into the rock.


My father held me tightly from behind, shushing my trembling body as I held back the sobs that wanted to come out of my mouth. I wanted her here, I wanted to be able to enjoy all of this with her. I wanted her to see what we worked so hard for. I wanted her to take long walks with me on the beach on an early morning, singing our favorite song. I wanted what was impossible. I wanted her. I wanted her so badly.

"She'd be proud of you." Jorge said and I nodded, wiping away my tears and turning to face him.

"She'd be proud of you too dad." I told him and my dad let a tear run down his cheek and I smiled, wiping it away. "We survived."

"We survived." My father repeated and I saw his eyes wander off to behind me and I turned to see Gally join Minho, Newt, Thomas, and Frypan, starting some kind of fight thing. "Go, have some fun." He said and I turned back to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before I ran off.

Minho saw me come over and I ran up to him, wrapping my arms around his torso and kissing him passionately. Minho, not expecting it, eased into the kiss, making Gally and Fry cringe. When we pulled back, Minho put a hand on my cheek with a smile.

"What was that for?" He asked but I shrugged.

"Just wanted to." I said and he laughed, wrapping an arm around my torso and holding me close.

"Alright then, I won't object." He said, kissing my temple.

"How 'bout round two Gally?" Thomas asked and the boy laughed, looking away and then back to the brunette, looking him up and down. Gally then glanced at me and I nodded, as if he needed my approval to have fun.

"Alright Greenie, but the loser has to jump in the ocean..."

"I'll do that..."

"In their boxers." Gally finished and Thomas stopped mid sentence, making us all laugh.

"Come on Thomas, you can do it." I told him but he looked at me uncertain.

"Yeah, give it a go, I'd love to see how red you'll get when Newt'll see that little ass of yours." Minho said and I elbowed his as he laughed.

"Hey! My ass isn't little and it won't be mine you'll be seeing. Your on Gally!" Thomas said as he walked over to Newt and gave him the most passionate kiss I've seen those two boys share. Then, I watched as Newt whispered something in the boys ear that I was close enough to hear.

"Don't listen to that shank, you have a fine ass." Newt told him and that made Thomas turn red in return.

As I watched the two boys begin their little bet, and me and Minho had sat down with me on his lap, I could feel a tear run down my face. Minho noticed and turned me to face him.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying? I know Thomas has a pathetic ass but it's nothing to be upset about." He joked and I smiled, shaking my head and nudging him cause he was was getting the wrong idea.

"It's nothing." I said, leaning back and having Minho wrap his arms around me. "Everything is just fine."

Minho left it alone after that, cheering on Gally as he was kicking Thomas's butt.

After everything that had happed, after everything we had been through, we were all okay. We were safe and we were happy. I never thought I'd ever feel so whole before, yet here I am, sitting in the arms of the boy I love, my best friends all together, and my father and sister still with me.

The world could throw whatever they wanted at me, but the only thing it gave me was strength. The Scorch taught me to be tough, Minho taught me that I was worth it, Newt taught me that I can cry, Thomas taught me how to hold on to hope, Gally taught me to be protective for all, Brenda taught me to be kind, and my father taught me to never let go of who I am. And as for myself, I taught me how to be strong.

I held on to Minho and let the world finally make sense. I felt safe, I felt strong, I felt wild, and I felt free. And being free was all I ever wanted to be.

Just Trust Me   //   A Minho Fanfic + NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now