"you want my hand, sweetheart?" semi asked and moved his fingers so your clit was rolled between his fingers.

"yes." you pushed your hips out and wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him towards you. "i want your everything."

"don't get too greedy now. we're going to start with my fingers today, mouth the next time, and then you can have all of me." semi pulled back the side of your panties and then let it snap back into place. "what do you think of that?"

"i'll take it." you grabbed onto the back of his head and pressed your lips against his while he moved to pull your panties down. you reached for his pants to do the same.

before you could even pull them down, semi had lifted you into his arms, lips still against yours while carrying you into the shower.

"don't know if you noticed." semi paused to take in your full appearance with no clothes in the way. "but that shower head is removable."

"oh you're fucking joking." you turned your head to look at the shower head but semi stuck his finger into you with no warning, making your mind clear out with no thoughts left except him.

"you have no idea how many times i've wondered what i could do to you with that." semi's arms were supporting you up and his mouth returned back to your tits while he pulled his pants and boxers down.

your hands had buried themselves into his hair and pulled his face closer to you, pushing your nipple deeper into his mouth. he wasn't one to complain about that.

"your tits are the best thing i've ever had in my mouth." semi groaned and took a few steps to get into the shower.

"want something else in your mouth?" you asked and rolled your hips against his when he lowered you down so you feet were on the floor. his light brown eyes visibly darkened and his jaw clenched at your offer.

he leaned down to turn on the shower while his plunged one finger into you. while you were distracted by the sudden feeling, semi yanked the shower head from the top of the wall where it was held up and bought it down. he tangled his arm with the coil for a second before getting it untangled, hoping you didn't see that to tease him later.

your eyes widened at the silver shower head he had in his hand and watched as he directed it at your chest first. semi let another finger slip into you while he directed the water around your breasts.

the water pressure wasn't so aggressive so it didn't feel any different from when you would normally shower. but with semi eita, everything was much better than normal.

"you're so amazed by boobs, it's funny." you couldn't help but blurt out when you saw how he was looking at your chest.

"not just anyones." semi lowered the water and you felt chills run down your spine when the water hit your lower stomach. "yours are just so amazing."

you couldn't reply to that due to semi moving the water past where his fingers were moving in and out at the most torturous slow pace on purpose.

"maybe if you move a little faster i could say the same about your fingers." you had the urge to simply grab his wrist and do it for him.

"preoccupied at the moment, sweetheart." semi gestured to the shower head. "afraid i'm not that good at multitasking."

"bullshit. i saw you tuning your guitar while reading the sheet music and help yachi with her hair at the same time."

little white lies - e. semiWhere stories live. Discover now