Chapter 3: The Penny Bet, Dumbledore and Ginny

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Hermione walked down the train looking for Ginny and Luna, she knew they would be together, they always rode the train together, having nearly reached the end of the train they found the two girls they were looking for and joined them in their compartment.

Hermione intended to let Ginny know that Harry was off limits, he was hers now and she would let no one take him away from her.

Hermione found Ginny's reaction to the news that she and Harry were now engaged quite a bit different to what she had expected; Ginny remained friendly though she did for a short time look just a little disappointed.

An hour into the journey Hermione excused her self and made her way out of the compartment, and headed for the washroom.

As soon as she was out of sight of the compartment she heard Ginny behind her.

"Hermione can I have a word," Ginny was asking in an unusually serious voice.

'Ah this is more like it, the evil little tart wants to try and scare me off' Hermione thought as she turned to face the young red head. "Yes Ginny, what is it?"

"I know I don't have to tell you I love Harry, and most likely I always will, I just want to warn you now that you will regret it if you ever hurt him, I don't care who you are, friend or not, hurting Harry is not going to be a bright idea," Ginny said in a really threatening voice.

The surprise was evident in Hermione's voice when she answered "You really do love him then, it's not just a crush on the boy who lived?"

"Hermione, do you really think I would have offered to face death eaters, and maybe V-Voldemort him self for a crush?" Ginny almost whispered.

"Sorry Ginny, you just took me by surprise," Hermione answered honestly.

"Well just you remember, anyone, and I mean anyone who hurts Harry will have me after them," Ginny said firmly.

"What if it was Ron that was hurting Harry, what then Gin?" Hermione asked.

"Same goes for him and anyone else, even my own family," Ginny said as she turned to go back to her seat "they would deeply regret it."

The conversation with Ginny had Hermione just a little puzzled, she had been so sure in both lives that Ginny only wanted Harry for his fame, but the Ginny she had just spoken to, had a fierce passion in her eyes when she had threatened anyone who hurt Harry, passion and love beyond her years and Hermione had seen it in those eyes and knew it was real.

There was another surprise for Hermione when they reached Kings Cross, having climbed down from the train and said goodbye to Neville and Luna she turned to say good bye to Ginny.

The young red haired girl hugged Hermione tight and whispered in her ear "Keep him safe, and love him truly." Before waving goodbye and walking away.

Harry tapped Hermione on her shoulder as she watched Ginny disappear into the milling crowd of students, turning to him she saw him pointing at something further along the platform, looking where he was pointing she saw her parents, and to her surprise they were talking to Dumbledore.

"If he has persuaded my parents not to allow you to come with us, I'll hex the old prat into next year," Hermione exploded causing several of the younger students nearby to hurriedly move away.

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