Chapter 2: Standing Up To Dumbledore

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Hermione awoke early the following morning, memories of what had happened the day before filled her mind almost instantly.

She was pleased to realise that her younger self was the most dominant half of the two joined souls. She had not changed very much if at all, apart from feeling braver now than she ever did before, but that could be because the boy of her dreams had kissed her.

Getting up from the bed she wandered dreamily to the bathroom. Thoughts of the way Harry had kissed her with that last loving kiss flooded her mind, it was a kiss that dreams were made of, the kind of kiss that made a girl go weak at the knees.

She relived the kiss as she took her shower; then again as she brushed her teeth, and all over again as she brushed her flyaway hair.

Walking down to breakfast she knew she would be facing questions from Dumbledore but she would deal with him after she had talked to Harry and not before. Entering the kitchen she saw several order members standing or sitting around but there was no sign of Harry.

Without saying anything more than a quick good morning Hermione poured out two mugs of tea from the large tea pot sitting in the centre of the table, picking up the mugs she made her way up stairs to Harry's room.

Using her elbow on the door handle she opened the door just in time to see the bare butt of Harry who was just pulling up his boxers having had his morning shower, his shoulder length hair still hung damp and glistening, as was his back, his naked torso was amazingly well developed for someone of his age, she decided that the muscles were due to all the quidditch.

Knowing Harry loved her, and would always love her, gave Hermione the courage to overcome her natural shyness and ignoring his blushes she walked over to him and handed him a mug of tea, "We need to talk," she said as she pulled out her wand and placed some rather intricate and secure locking and silencing charms on the door. If anyone wanted to get in they would have a very hard time getting around the charms she had designed herself while on the hunt for Horcruxes.

Once the charms were in place she sat down on the bed and patted the mattress next to her, indicating for Harry to sit as well, sipping her tea she told Harry about all the things that Dumbledore had kept from him, she missed nothing out from how manipulative the headmaster was to how he was using Harry for his own purposes, she finished with "He might be doing what he thinks is for the best but he has made too many mistakes, mistakes that will eventually cost lives, and the hunt for those pieces of Voldemort's soul should have started ages ago."

Harry listened carefully to all Hermione told him and she could see him getting annoyed, "Harry it will do no good getting angry at what has been done, what we need to do is work out what to do about it all," she said taking hold of his hand.

She was slightly surprised that Harry did not question how she knew the things she told him but supposed that if she thought about it Harry had always trusted and relied on her knowledge and intelligence.

Harry coughed and looked a little uncomfortable as he tried to say some thing, "Er Hermione about yesterday, you kissed me, why?"

Hermione thought about it for a second before answering "You kissed me back, I could ask you why," She said with a chuckle "but to answer your question, it was the only way I could think of getting through to you."

"Well I wouldn't complain if you got my attention like that all the time," Harry said laughing.

"I suppose a girl could do that with a boyfriend," Hermione replied with a girlish giggle "but this girl doesn't have a boyfriend yet."

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