Chapter One - A Perfect Night

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Once upon a time, there lived a powerful Vampire who unleashed a reign of terror on Remnant. He is known by many names. Vlad The Impaler. Dracula. The No Life King. For centuries, his reign of terror and cruelty knew no bounds. But after a hundred years, his reign was ended by the Huntsman known as Van Helsing. But instead of killing the Vampire, Van Helsing forced the weakened Dracula into serving him. As Dracula became a servant of Van Helsing, the Huntsman reveals that he is in fact a reincarnation of the ancient warrior Ozma and that Dracula was recruited for his fight against Salem. Over the centuries, Dracula, now going by Alucard faithfully served Van Helsing and all of his reincarnations after him. Currently, he serves Ozpin, enigmatic headmaster of Beacon Academy where Alucard serves as an official and unofficial combat instructor. Alucard's true nature as a Vampire was a closely guarded secret even among Ozpin's inner circle who were aware of the threat posed by Salem. On one particular night, Alucard walked the streets of Vale as he usually does. He looks up at the shattered Moon which shined bright in the night sky. A smile fell on the Vampire's face.

Alucard: What a perfect night.

As Alucard continued to walk the streets of Vale, the streets had little to no life. This was something that Alucard thrived in as he cared very little for Humans and Faunus alike. There were few that Alucard had any respect for. The only one he truly consider his equal was Ozpin. During his walk, he walks by a Dust shop when a man is suddenly thrown through the window. As the man lands before Alucard's feet, the Vampire laughs as a girl in red wielding a scythe walks out surrounded by a band of thugs. 

Alucard: This night just keeps getting better!

???: Isn't this a curious sight! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Roman Torchwick, the Napoleon of Crime! And here I thought this night would be rather uneventful! 

Without hesitation, Alucard pulls out his Casull Pistol and Jackal Pistol and begins shooting at the thugs, killing them in the most brutal way possible. The girl in red simply defends herself from her attackers. Both Alucard and the girl in red moved at incredible speeds. Alucard was mildly impressed at how fast the girl was moving. 

Roman: Well, Red, I think we can all say that it's been an eventful meeting. You and your....strange friend have made quite the impression! As much as I would love to stick around, I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

Roman then aims his cane and shoots a projectile at it. Alucard shoots the projectile with his Jackal Pistol, creating a powerful explosion. As the smoke clears, Alucard and the girl begin chasing after Roman. After a brief chase, they corner Roman on a rooftop, but he seems unfazed.

Roman: You two are quite persistent!

Suddenly, a large airship emerged and shined a bright spotlight on the two. The door opened and Roman jumped inside.

Roman: End of the line, Red!

Roman then throws a red crystal at them. Roman then aimed his cane and shot at it. Before the explosion could consume them, a Huntress rushed to their side and blocked the explosion. Alucard chuckles at the Huntress. 

Alucard: Your arrival is as timely as usual, Glynda. 

Glynda: All I had to do was follow the gunshots and bodies, Alucard. 

Glynda then tries to use a telepathic attack to bring down the ship, but the ship remains in the air. Alucard then takes the opportunity to jump on top of it. Meanwhile, Roman rushed to the pilot which was a woman wearing a red dress.

Roman: We got a Huntress! Something's holding the ship!

The woman then gave Roman the controls to the airship. She then moved to the opening and began firing fire from her hands towards Glynda. 

As Roman takes control of the ship, he spots Alucard on the cockpit window. 

Alucard: You call yourself the Napoleon of Crime, but you're nothing more than a two bit scoundrel! A coward and an incompetent, incapable of doing anything on your own. You are not worthy of the lowest pits of Hell!

Roman: Quite the speech, my friend. But I'm afraid it lacks a certain....charm! 

Roman then pulls out a pistol from the cockpit and begins firing at Alucard. As the bullets strike Alucard, he breaks through the cockpit window. 

Roman: Quite the parlor trick!

Alucard: Allow me to show you true fear, scoundrel! 

As Alucard aimed his pistols at Roman, he is attacked by the woman. She engulfs Alucard's body with fire. Roman then jerks the ship, flinging Alucard off the ship. As Alucard crashes on top of a car, the Vampire looks to see the airship flying away. After that, Alucard meets with Glynda and the girl in red. 

Girl In Red: That was so cool! You're a Huntress! Can I have you autograph?!

Glynda: Come with me. I have questions for you, young lady.

Alucard: I will join you momentarily, Glynda. There is something I must take care of. 

With that, Glynda escorted the girl away from the crime scene. Alucard makes his way to the Dust Shop to see one of Roman's thugs clinging on to live. With a sadistic smile, Alucard grabs the dying man and drags him to a dark alleyway. 

Torchwick Thug: P...please.....I'll....I'll tell you what I know....

Alucard: There is nothing an insignificant gnat like you could offer any useful information to me. All you can offer me is your blood....

Without hesitation, Alucard bites down the thug's throat and drains him of his blood. Once the body was drained dry, Alucard discards the body and shoots it in the head. He then simply walks away into the night to regroup with his colleague. For Alucard, this was truly a perfect night. 

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