"Doctor Shamal!"

Gokudera pointed a finger at him. "You still haven't left, you pervert- doctor! Womanizer!"

"I got him to come," Reborn said, sitting on the branch above him.

"Even Reborn's here!"

"Why don't you guys go get some cute girls to come." Shamal drank.

"Hey kid. It's nice to see you again," Kyoya acknowledged and Tomoe gave Reborn a nod.

Reborn looked at the duo. "We want to see the sakura too. How about it, Hibari, Kocho? Tsuna says to compete using the spot as a prize."

"What are you dragging me into this?!" the poor boy yelled.

"A game... Fine, I've been wanting to kill you guys anyway. How about you three each fight me separately? Whoever has their knee touch the ground loses," Kyoya suggested with a smirk.

"What?! We're fighting?!"

"Let's do it tenth! Actually, let me do it!"

"There are rules. Anyway, I want to see the sakura too."

"Are you guys for real?!"

"Don't worry, that's why I called over a doctor," Reborn replied.

"That guy only helps women!" Tsuna retorted. "He'll only help Kochp-senpai!" He pointed to said girl beside Kyoya.

Tomoe gave a closed eye smile, crossing her arms. "I'll just watch if you don't mind. I prefer not to fight on such a beautiful day."

Shamal said, taking a swing of his drink before his eyes landed on Tomoe who was standing behind Kyoya. "Ah!" Hearts appeared in his eyes. "A Japanese beauty!" Kyoya immediately stood in front of Tomoe in order to protect her, murderously glaring at the doctor. "Heey~ Aren't you feisty. Is she your sister?"

"Scram." Kyoya hit him with his tonfa, knocking him out in one hit.


"FUGYAH?!" 'Now we don't have a doctor!'


Kyoya turned to Tomoe. "Do we look related?"

She turned to him. "No, I don't think we look alike at all."

"Then why did he think we were siblings?"

"Maybe he's nearsighted or something."


Tsuna sweatdropped at their conversation.

"Tenth, I'll definitely get the best sakura viewing spot!" Gokudera declared.

"Eh? But Gokudera-kun. The opponent is..."

"Just watch," Reborn cut him off.

"I'll definitely show you!" Gokudera yelled, charging in and Tomoe jumped back a good distance to not get involved in the fighting.

"You're always so straight forward," Kyoya casually said, unnerved. "Easy to see through."

He swung down, slightly shocked when Gokudera dodged and let his dynamite loose. He appeared behind Kyoya as the skylark was surrounded by the dynamite midair.

Tomoe tilted her head. "Oh?"

'New skill, bomb blitz!' "Go to hell."


"EEEH?! You really beat Hibari-san?" Tsuna shouted and Tomoe snorted.

"As if Kyo-chan will go down so easily."

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