When Her Life Began

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The sun gleamed over Red Shire City. The Olive Crest Adoption and Fostering Center stood proudly as an black 1970 Chevrolet parks in front of the institute.

Klaus Kickinklober has been Red Shore City's top choreographer since he was young. Today, he was asked to give a dance lesson to the children as a way to inspire them. However, Klaus was never fond of children but he couldn't deny an opportunity to have someone succeed in greatness if they can.

"Alright everyone, settle down." The associate led him to the gym where children of great and small were joyfully scurrying around and laughing.

"Just a moment, Mr. Kickinklober." She told him. The hippopotamus whistles for the children's attention.

"May I have your attention!" The children stop in their places to listen.

"Thank you. Everyone, this is Mr. Kickinklober. He's visiting us today to offer some dance lessons to you all. So please, treat him well and show respect."

"Thank you, Mrs. Kelly."

"I am delighted to meet all of you." He projected rather loudly. Some of the children flinched when they heard the monkey speak. "I am grateful to be given this opportunity to teach the younger possibly generation of future dancers, but nothing is set in stone." Klaus continued.

"So we should see how we do, yes?" No responses.

"Yes?" Spooked, the children quickly scrambled to find a place to stand in horizontal single file lines.

"Alright." Klaus nods.

"Okay...well, I'll leave you to it." The associate waved him and the children goodbye before leaving.

"Yes, yes. Of course, have a good day, Mrs. Kelly."

"I know you'd prefer to run around and get all high on sugars and reading those weird picture books with the exotically written works describing and impact."

"Does he mean comic books?" An young tortoise whispered to his friend.

"But guess what? Today we will have none of that! Today is a day about focus..." He slams his staff down, "and dedication to greatness." He continued.

Klaus went on with his lesson, however the children were having second thought on the activity. Meanwhile, hiding away in the shadows, an hidden figure watched and listened closely to the monkey.

"Just because you are children, it doesn't mean that I will make things simple for you." Klaus rambled on as he walks around the gym.

"And for that you must-er." By the time he turned around, all of the children were gone and in the distance the back door closed shut.

"Hello?" There was no reply, just an empty gym with no one but himself.

He's only been here twenty minutes and already he scared them off. This is whys he's not very fond of children; just chaotic delinquents who have little understand of the real world and only listen when they want to. But he knows their just children, they still have much to learn.

"There's the old saying; let children be children." He mumbles to himself. Klaus was about to make his leave when he decided to check the list of names Mrs. Kelly gave him. He rereads it over, but then he noticed it. There were supposedly fifteen children in the gym but only fourteen were marked as present. He finds the unmarked named at the top of the list, the only "A" of the group.

"Angelica Barrow?" He hears shuffling behind him.

He turns around to see a young girl balancing on one of his staffs perfect and had another in hand. She was around four or five, a small little thing. What was the most intriguing about the girl was that she was nothing like the other orphans. Furless peach skin with shades of salmon, pear shamrock eyes, medium length ginger hair with an small bow hair clip on the left side, an sleeveless frock strapped dress with an white t-shirt underneath, simple white sneakers, and a set of oval black glasses that looked far to big for her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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