Platform 9 3/4

18 3 4

I woke to the sound of rain hitting my window. A faint memory of my dream before I woke. It was oddly comforting, I was sitting on the astronomy tower stargazing with a cold cup in my hand, there was someone sitting beside me but it wasn't relevant. Then the sound of fireworks went of and I woke. I looked around and to my amazement there was a mug of steaming coffee on my bedside table. I sat up and reached for my watch to see what time it was, the black circle had it's handles pointing to six. I had about two hours before my dad would tell me that I should get going. The one thing I didn't understand was that the one and only Severus Snape wouldnt allow me to travel by floo to school along with him. The only comfort was that he would take my trunk along so I wouldn't need to drag it with me.

I put on a pair of black jeans and threw on a maroon hoodie. My hair was already in braids from the night before. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen to find  my dad sitting at the table reading his newspaper and slowly sipping on the same black liquid I had. -Morning dad,- I say walking to the sink with my empty cup. -Morning,-he said obviously stating he wasnt up for a talk. I washed the mug and started making myself toast in silence.

Once I was back upstairs I sat down on my bed and bit into the crispy bread. I looked out the window onto the stone alley, the dull grey air and beautiful weather making it look like part of a horror movie. The truth was that my life could be considered a movie but Im not entirely sure if a horror one. Although the fact that dad was a double agent pretending to work for the dark lord when actually he was one of the closest people to Dumbldore. The fact that I'm a witch and go to a magic school for most the year and when I'm home for the summer holidays live in a small cottage in the middle of an old ghost town. That was home to either elders or youth with crazy parents. My whole physical aspect fitting the idea of a dark and twisty main character perfectly, the black short hair, black clothes, pale skin. My personality bit wasn't right at all though I was too cheerful sometimes, love to play around, loud.

After my what so called breakfeast which was rather exquisit considering the standards at home. I started packing my backpack which I always took on the Hogwarts express and it also came in very handy during the weekly trips to hogsemeade. I stuffed my robes at the very bottom as I would have to change into them before arriving at school. I also put in my journal, pencil-case and my purse in which I kept mortal money to buy my ticket to Kings Cross. The magic currency was stored away in a different purse which I had yet to look for as I threw it somewhere at the beginning of the holidays and haven't seen it since.                                                                                                               I spent the next half and hour looking for the damn piece of fabric which somehow found itself under my matress. After that I took my plate and walked down the stairs along with the backpack slung  on my shoulder.

My dad was no longer there I'm guesing he went to prepare his stuff for the school year too. I took out my thermos and made myself some hot cocoa which I planned to take on the train with me. I also put some cereal into this glass jar I found in the cabinet above the stove. I stuffed the thermos and jar into the backpack and started walking towards the living room. As expected my dad was standing there looking through the books on the wooden shelf. -Dad I'm going already,- I tell him. -See you later dear,- he says and then adds, -be safe.- I nod and give him a brief hug before exiting the living room, I put on my black boots and raincoat my wand in one of the inside pockets. I walk out onto the lovely English sky which happens to be crying today and start walking towards the underground station which will take me to the centre.

After an hour of listening to peoples conversations while standing near the doors I arrive at my desired station, Kings Cross. I have about an hour before the departure of the train.So I head towards a Starbucks down the street from previous times here. I walk through the doors into a rather busy cafeteria and walk straight towards the counter. I stand in line and look around nothing particulary interesting going on in the mortal world which I deduce from the people around. After about five mins its my turn to order, the girl behind the counter looks around five years older than me, she seems too bored to notice me starring at her. -What do you want?- she asks me after I dont order for a second. -I'd like the citrus tea,- i say awakened frm the trans. -five fity,- she says. I hand her the money and go and wait for my name to be called out so I can collect my order.

I sit at the window seat looking out for the twins with whom I usually hang out. We've known eachother since first year. People just started walking onto the platform even though it's already twenty too. I had found the best carriage near the back so we could sit far away from all the first years.                                                                                                                                                                                    -Hello hello,- I hear and two of my favourite people in the world walk into the carriage. George and Fred Weasley both of them taller than the last time I saw them. -Look who we have here,- says george. I stand up and give both of them a hug a strong smell of tea and fresh grass hits my nostrils. I pull back and give both of them a huge smile. They lift their trunks and sit down, George in front of me and Fred beside. -How was your summer?- I ask them knowing theirs was probably more fun than mine which i spent walking around pointlessly around the village with occasional trips to London. -It was quite boring honestly, we spent the past week in the Leaky Caudron which was fairly interesting actually but apart from that we mostly played quidditch at home,-said Fred. -Ginny is getting soo good it's almost scary,-added George. I tilted my head back laughing. Ginny was like a younger sister to me we would talk a lot during the year she would rant to me about how annoying it is to live in a house full of boys, and how it would be great if I could come over for the holidays. -Did you anything?- Fred asked me. -Me?- I asked in disbelief. He nodded. -No I mostly walked around admiring the beautiful architecture,- i replied sarcastically. They burst out laughing and we started talking about prank ideas for this year.

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