-True... Thank you for the food Doña Elvira- A shy yet thankful tone, calling the Salazar's matriarch that way after the same woman told him to call her that way.

-Fue con todo gusto papito, gracias por venir. Invite yourself to come over whenever you want, you know we love having your mother around too- She simply smiled back, that simple yet sweet Costeño accent in her words, everyone in the family had it.

- So tell me, what do you need for the reading?- The dark-skinned young lady told the seer, while leading him outside the house so he could take some air, and honestly, Maru did need some fresh air too.

-Oh! RIGHT WELL- - his voice tone went a lot higher than expected, probably wanted to make himself clear but failing immediately; flustered and severely embarrassed he repeated again and again the same apologize.

- Tu tranqui flaco, na' mas decime que te traigo - A few pats in the guy's back, to try and calm him down while using again that same nickname she has used once or twice today, she caught a liking of calling him like that

A soft chuckle at the nickname, his sisters and mother called him like that on some occasions, it was fun to see someone else use it, Maru also noticed the reaction, simply laughing too. - Then? What do I have to get you?-

-Just some leaves and fire, please-

-Sure, give me a second - Marulanda re-entered the house, getting a lantern litten up and leaving it with Bruno, following up, she got close to a tree and started to shake it to get some more leaves; she was considerably fast in getting what was needed, after all, it's not like every day you get the chance for your future to be read, no matter the outcome.

-That... was fast - Bruno began setting it all up, in a certain concentration, already very used to this process as he prepared himself from the headache he'll have later.

-Now that I think about it, you haven't asked why I want a marriage reading- Not that it matters, but one supposes that at least he would find it weird or not a usual request to ask for, especially since is a little favor from an accident earlier

-Well, I owe you this favor and also, I get worse requests. But sure, I'll ask, why?- He walked around as he worked on the sand circle, not curious but simply asking as Marulanda implied. As he finished the circle around them, he worked on the sand and leaf piles, grabbing the lantern carefully

-Good point... Do I have to go inside the circle?- she just got a nod for an answer, sitting down in front of Bruno, looking at how he organized the things. - So, basically, I'm already at proposal age y'know, my mom is skeptical about the fact that no one is interested or even close to me... so I'm asking for reading to know what will happen so she stops worrying so much-

- Oh, that's okay and... Quite normal to be honest - didn't really want to dig in the whole theme, and Marulanda already made the intentions clear. -But are you sure you want a reading? It may be a bad future, people never like when my readings are negative- There it was, the anxiety of knowing people take you at the fault of something you can't control, a truly habitual feeling in Bruno Madrigal.

- I'm sure, bad or not I just want to know what awaits me, and I'll still pay you-

He had a relieved expression at the first part, softly nodding until he heard the last part - Wait! No, no no no no no no no no, no, NO! You, you don't have to pay me, this is compensation for ruining your skirt! Nothing else! There's no need to pay me-

-But you already paid me, you let me have a bite of the arepa!-

-THAT STILL DOESNT PAY IT!- He covered his mouth as soon as he noticed he screamed, he could barely control himself sometimes as he lets things slip by easily. -Sorry...-

-You say sorry a lot, don't you? The fire will stop eventually so please let me do this quick. You already paid me, I already cleaned that skirt and this is an additional service I'm willing to pay, does this sound good for you?-

He nodded again, sometimes looks like the dude doesn't know how to talk.

- Now, what do I have to do for the reading?-

Bruno moved slightly to add more fire to the leaves, leaving more smoke. The lantern was left outside the sand circle and made sure nothing was wrong, and by saying "made sure" it means looking frenetically around checking everything. - Oh that, right... Take my hands- He extended his hands quickly, almost burning his poncho with the burning leaves so close to him.

-Okay, whatever you say - Maru simply obeyed, surprised by a firm grip but paying attention to whatever instructions she gets. - Ahora que?-

At the moment the question was asked, a breeze started to move their hair, and eventually noticing Bruno's eyes glowing green, while also having a strange face at the moment, she kinda wanted to laugh. The breeze became an air and sand dome, some green magic softly moving around it.

Not gonna lie... The whole glowing green eyes thing was a surprise

-Now you ask your questions, make sure to make them loud and clear -

-Alright... Then, What does my future hold for me? Marriage? Solitude? -

Seconds after the question, some of the sand flying around the dome began to form certain glowing green parts, as they spread around it and began to for around, little shapes here and there until they began to concentrate on an exact part

-Sometimes visions are in disorder or simply a mess, even if we see stuff, some of it can't be interpreted - He warned as he didn't want any misconceptions later about whatever he sees. He flinched  softly as the figures formed around, he could already predict he was going to get a headache

-That's okay, you just do your magic!- Whatever the future holds, it's always nice to have a warning or a simple glimpse.

-Okay, the first figure is forming!-

The Seer's Lady ( Bruno Madrigal / Oc )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें