Some Good News

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Lisa checked Irene inside Hope's room. She went near Irene. Irene was sleeping same as Hope whose one hand was having a gripped on her mommy's blouse.

Lisa tucked herself on the bed besides Hope.
Irene was not having enough sleep for three days because Hope was uneasy especially at night and kept waking up. Hope was so extra clingy to her mommy and doesn't want to go to anybody even to her.

" Hun." Irene said when she meet Lisa's gaze.

" Just go back to sleep Hun." Lisa said then move a little closer to Irene and give her a peck on the lips.

" Goodnight Hun"

" Goodnight Hun."

Hope on the other hand loss her gripped on Irene's blouse and face Lisa.
Lisa just give the baby a soft peck on the cheek.

" Goodnight Hope. Sleep tight ."

Lisa stared lovingly to the two people that completes her days. After a days work ,she got so tired sometimes but everytime she stepped in her house she felt energize and happy.

Few years back , she just go to work with an empty feelings and come home to sleep with the same feelings.

Now, she goes to work happy with the thoughts that she's working to make Irene and Hope have a comfortable life, no pressure but she is happy to be obligated. After a long day ,she looked forward to go home to be with Irene and Hope.

When Lisa woke up, Hope was on the crib still sleeping while she is alone on the bed.

She smiled seeing Irene in the kitchen,

" Good morning Hun." Lisa greeted Irene while she sneaked her arms on Irene's waist.  She then kissed her on the cheek

" Good morning Hun." Irene said then turned her head to give Lisa a peck on the lips while holding a laddle coz she is making a pancake.

" Are wee going to the hospital after breakfast Hun.?" Lisa said then loosened her hug and take a glass of water to drink.

" Yes Hun, Doc Tzuyu message me last night telling me that the test result is with her. She want to talk to us personally."

" I wish it will be the good news."

" I think that it is good news. "

" Karina's condition is pretty improving."

" She's out of ventilator now and Winter said she is hopeful that she wake up before Hope's birthday."

Lisa stand up  and engulfed Irene in a hug.

" I forgot to tell you , how much I love you yesterday." Lisa said and give Irene a chaste kiss.
" I love you " then kissed Irene on the lips.
" I love you." Then kissed Irene on the lips again. " That's for today. "

" I love you always Hun." Irene said

Lisa rested her chin on Irene's shoulder.  "Next  year , let's give Hope a sibling."

Irene hugged Lisa tightly. " Let's try that next year." She agreed.

After breakfast they went to the hospital.

Doc Tzuyu hold Hope and let her play her stethoscope.

Lisa and Irene are anticipating what Doc Tzuyu will say.

" It's a match Lisa." Doc Tzuyu said

Irene immediately hugged the stunned Lisa.

" You are our Hope's match Hun" Irene said while sobbing

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