With James & Lily

James and Lily were looking through an album of baby pictures they, along with Sirius and Clara, had made for Harry and Y/n when they got older, both of them longing to embarrass them with the funny pictures-- yet not wanting them to grow up so fast.

"It's so sad Clara and Sirius couldn't make it here tonight, Harry loves playing with Y/n and I really miss my girl."

"And I miss Pads" James said, but lightened up when he saw a picture of Harry and Y/n's head sticking out of his invisibility cloak. "Look!" He said, pointing at the picture whit a sly grin on his face. "That's from when me and Paddy threw my invisibility cloak over Harry and Y/n and they destroyed Mrs. Black's vase."

Lily sighed dramatically at the memory. "It was horrible."

James smirk grew wider. "Oh it was extremely funny too!"

Lily rolled her eyes and turned to the next page which showed Harry and Y/n kissing, well-- not kissing exactly.  Lily and Clara had arranged their babies a playdate and had given them spaghetti and meatballs.

Sirius said that it wouldn't be a real 'date' if they didn't kiss. Lily and Clara wasn't a fan of the idea, but both James and Sirius insisted and the plan, (which had come from James who had gotten inspiration from Lady and The Tramp) was set in motion.

James put one end of a spaghetti in Harry's mouth and Sirius put the other end in Y/n 's mouth. It took a few tries since Y/n had spit out her spaghetti during the first attempts.

But finally, it seemed to work. Harry and Y/n had just eaten their spaghetti string with no idea what was actually going on. Sirius and James had watched excitedly and their eyes had grown wider the closer their babies got. Clara and Lily just shook their heads with amused smiles on their faces as Y/n and Harry's lips touched.

James and Sirius had jumped up and down, squealing like small girls during the moment and of course James was fast to the camera and managed to snap a picture of the 'kiss'.

Y/n and Harry were both quite oblivious of what was going on the whole time, so when their lips touched they had just jumped backwards a little bit, looking at the other confusedly.

"The best moment of my life..." James sighed dreamily and drew one of his fingers gingerly over the picture.

Lily cleared her throat loudly which made James jump a bit. "No-- the best moment was probably when me, Moony and Pads pranked Snivellus while Wormtail was in detention with McGonagall, you should've seen the look on-"

Lily cut him off by clearing her throat again, louder. James widened his eyes as he realized what she meant.

"I-I mean the best moment of my life was obviously marrying you, Mrs. Potter." He said, god damnit, he never stammered.

"That's my husband." Her face broke into a smile and pulled him into a lustful kiss.


They broke apart with wide eyes, the door had been broken.

James ran over to the window, he was able to catch a glimpse of the man who brutally entered their house; Voldemort.

"Fuck, I've got to alert Lynx and Pads-- I can't believe it!"

James grabbed his wand and produced his patronus, his usual stag appeared and he quickly told it to warn his dear friends.

The stag nodded and disappeared. James pulled Lily into one last kiss. It was quick, probably the quickest kiss they'd ever shared, yet, every emotion they both were feeling was shared and put into it.

ETERNAL LOVE ➸ H. POTTER x READER (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now