Rhodey Finds out

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There was also another big secret, Tony loved to cuddle with his son, Peter and smother him in lots of affection, unfortunately, the others had to pry Tony away from Peter so they could get some time with the mini stark once they met him.

The first time Rhodey met Peter Merlin Stark was a month before afganistan. The six month old baby was crawling and playing with his dada, when Rhodey (wanting to surprise his good brother) barged in uninformed. Tony looked like a deer caught in headlights and Rhodey was utterly dumbfounded, the only thing running in his head was " what in the actual f*** was going on ????........." The child, startled by the sudden noise started whimpering, which soon turned into full blown crying. Tony coming back to his senses picked up his kid and started to rock him in his arms and sing a lullaby in order to comfort his little man. Rhodey was even more dumbfounded and at a loss, to think his best friend since college, who couldn't take care of himself was taking care of a kid ???? What.... What ... The hell??.
Once Peter calmed down and was sound asleep Tony carefully laid him on his bed and came back to see Rhodey still standing by the door like a statue with a blank look on his face.

Well that's the end of this chapter part 2 will be updated soon.

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