Magnus POV

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Hi, guys! So I know it's been a while since I've updated on this book but I just really haven't felt like writing but now I'm back with newfound energy. I've updated on my Mcdanno one shots and I updated my Solangelo one shots (don't worry more is to come) and I figure I should update this story too. Also I'm writing a story right now one I do intend on publishing and I would put it up here but I don't want anyone stealing my ideas and claiming them as their own. But maybe when I'm done I'll add it up here who knows? Anyways, hope you enjoy:)-Was

"You can't do that!" I yelled as Marilyn tossed me in the air. I twisted and stabbed one of the dragon's in the throat.

"To bad I just did!" She yelled back.

When I landed on my feet I glared at her, "Don't ever do that again."

"Why not? It's fun!"

"Yeah, because you're not the one being thrown around!"

Alex came up to us, "Now, now settle down kids. We hate to see baby Magnus mad."

Marilyn giggled, "He looks even more adorable when he tries to pretend to be tough."

I felt my ears burn, "I am tough!"

"Sure," Alex said.

"I am!"

Alex and Marilyn both began to laugh. They have become good friends since Marilyn came here. Three axes came hurtling towards us and everything went black.

When I woke up in my own room I was curious of how I died I mean like did the ax hit my face, my chest, maybe my throat? I got up and brushed my teeth and took a quick shower before lying down in bed. 

"Get up, Sunnyboy. It's time  for dinner and apparently there's a new menu Odin added and wants us to try what he calls 'The vegetation land'. He's became really obsessed with vegetables," Alex said from where she was leaning against the doorframe.

"That sounds horrifying unless it's falafel then I'd love this new menu."

Alex laughed, "You and falafel. You're obsessed."

"Not obsessed, committed."

Alex snorted, "Committed?"

"Yeah, like our relationship."

Alex blushed and looked down, "We're in a relationship?"

I frowned, "I'd like to think we are. And I'm just not obsessed with you."

Alex looked up and smiled, "Well are we?"

"Yes we are and you have no choice since you asked me."

Alex laughed again, "Seems fair enough."

"Come here."

Alex came over and sat beside me I put my arms around her and pulled her closer to me.

"I'd rather not get killed with your garrote again so I'm going to ask for permission. Can I kiss you?"

Alex smiled and nodded her head a little. I leaned in and pressed my lips against her immediately her hands went around my neck and she pulled me closer to her. My hands were on her waist and she had her hands in my hair. We pulled each other impossibly closer before slowly parting to get a breath, our foreheads touching.

She groaned slightly, "I hate you." 

I let out a breathy laugh, "I'm guessing it's Opposite Day."

She smiled before leaning back in for another kiss.

I kissed her softly before pulling her on top of me so she was sitting in my lap. I traced kisses across her jaw before going to her neck. She sighed contently before bending down to kiss me while cupping my face. Slowly the kiss turned more passionate and she tugged at my shirt. I lifted my arms to take it off and she smirked into the kiss knowing she gets what she wants. I only broke the kiss long enough to take off my shirt. She kissed me harder and trailed her hands down my chest until she got to my waistband, I gasped softly as her fingers trailed a little farther until she reached-

"Holy crap, guys!" 

Alex quickly jumped off me as I hurriedly put my shirt back on.

"What the heck?" Marilyn said from the doorway, "If you guys were going to make out at least you could have shut the door."

I turned various shades of red while Alex, though she was still a bit embarrassed, seemed rather calm.

"Why did you come in here in the first place?" Alex asked.

"Because you said you were going to get Magnus and to wait for you so we can all go together."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot I said that."

"Yeah, I'm sure you forgot everything when your man is making out with you," Marilyn said with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up," Alex said although her face was red.

"Well let's go eat then. Where's the rest of the gang?"

Marilyn sighed, "They already left cause the got tired of waiting."

"That's fine. Now let's go."

Marilyn smiled, "Okay. Alex, you have to stop leaving me to make out with your boyfriend."

Alex rolled her eyes, "It's not like we meant to."

Marilyn grinned, "Right. Cause it just happened."

"It did!"


We went to the dining hall with Marilyn and Alex arguing all the way there.

So, whatcha thunk? Yea or nea? So yeah a little make out session but that's okay. So yeah I just wanted this chapter to be laid back before we get to some depression stuff. Because remember Amber just lost her sister. Anyways, hope you have a good day/night!-Was

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