Mother, my beloved Mother. If we should see each other again - I am sorry. I cannot forget it.  For now the world knows too, the truth.  The truth we could never say. But after all that we had been through, for all that we had lost and suffered, the lies that had become written as truth by those who had become victors - I had to write it all. For now, the world carries our burden too. The world that sees this truth carries haunting shadows. Until the end of their days.

And my mother mayhaps be correct. 

We are cursed. 

We may have been born into fire.

But fire still burns.

And endlessly destroys.'

- Maester Maekar; Chapter VI of the White Queen

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IT HAD BEEN SO COLD WHEN THE SUDDEN DOWNPOUR CAME THAT TODAY. The gods had not given her their favor. Not least when she had been of ill constitution when she had gathered herself at Storm's End-with her sister Cersei's family all those years ago. Leila Lannister could make out the way the rain poured onto pelted glass, shattering on the battered ground. The fierce cold blessed the Stormlands with a brisk wind from the Rainwood. Such time had passed. Such time had been the dried ink that sprawled across forgotten tomes.

And yet, she remembered every detail. Every moment that led to it all. The violent screaming matches between father and daughter The insistence of a crown prince whose hands wore his heart on his sleeve for the first time in his entire life. The tears that bellowed across her niece's face as her father forbade her from seeing Aegon again. It had all been a horrid affair, one that had continually haunted her. because it had been a failure. It is because it had been like her own sorrows, ones that had been when she was torn from Oberyn's arms. 

But Leila Lannister wondered if she had fought harder, would she have won against Robert's will? If she had come and moved faster-had asked her father's iron will to bend Robert's. She talked and talked until she had gotten what she came for. Leila could not help but ponder what she could have done differently that day. Fingers clawed through the delicate fabric she was wearing, boots soiled with endless mud raging against the blood of a hunting prey.She could recall the way the wind blew against her muddled hair, strands loosely swaying across her brutally cold face. The way she felt dark blue orbs glaring at her with pain. Such endless agony that Leila could only remember shining like the stars themselves. The shadow of a giant looked down upon her smaller figure, no fear in sight. Rather than only sorrow in the unspoken.

There had only been a few times where Leila Lannister had begged in her life. She had not been used to being as proud as her father. Such an act risked the embarrassment of the family name. Lions do not fall to their knees to inquire.Lions demand, roaring with endless ferocity, that others will break into the position of fealty. Being a servant was better than being prey. And then, her knees gave out to the softening wet earth. Eyes of seafoam broke into waves of endless tears against the shores of her cheeks. She could not help but feel overwhelmed by the pounding pain in her heart, which crushed her like a thousand shards of glass shattering repeatedly.

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