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Kageyama sat idly on Hinata's mess of a bed. Beside him sat Hinata's laptop unlocked and turned on, he stared at the wallpaper Hinata had chosen, it was one of the many group photos Daichi had managed to take. Speaking of which Hinata had run off somewhere, he had yelled something to Kageyama about 'Natsu is up to no good' and bolted out of the room. Curious and knowing he could play it off cool; Kageyama dragged the laptop towards himself.

The setter opened up the many folders on the computer, he scanned through the pictures on Hinata's laptop; there was nothing of interest at all, all the pictures were of volleyball and the little giant. It was just what he expected of Hinata.

What Kageyama did not expect though was the folder labelled 'fan fiction' on Hinata's laptop, cautiously looking around to make sure Hinata wasn't silently watching him with an angry look, Kageyama clicked on the folder bravely. He was then faced with three more folders with the names of 'Fluff' , 'Lemon' and 'Smut' , "What the hell do these mean ?" he grumbled to himself with narrowed eyes. 

Sighing Kageyama closed his eyes and clicked on whichever. When he opened them his eyes again, Kageyama was in the 'smut' folder, in that folder there was only one document it was labelled with 'NaruSasu' , "What the hell ?" he once again muttered with a perplexed expression crossing his face.

 Kageyama opened the document and began to read, he had to admit Hinata was a pretty good writter and the smut was normal, some ninjas called Naruto and Sasuke were camping for some type of mission the team had. He didn't know what he was so worried about, the smut wasn't anything weird.

'Sasuke's calloused hands slid up Naruto's loose pyjama shirt, his thumbs grazed his erect-'

"What. The. Fuck !?" Kageyama squelched, this was weird it was so weird, it had just gotten weird. The ninja's were doing forbidden stuff, hands were going places and sounds were being made. What the fuck was he reading? Kageyama shoved the laptop away with wide eyes, this was gay porn!

"Kageyam- Wahhhh!" Hinata shouted as he bounced in with wide eyes. "What are you reading!?" Hinata yelled. He lunged towards his laptop, once he saw what was up, he almost died, why did it have to be this?

"Hinata... Why did you write about two ninja doing... this?" Kageyama questioned, he then proceeded to slap his hands together messily to save himself from saying what they were truly doing. Flushing a bright red, Hinata slammed his laptop shut and looked away from Kageyama, how could the spiker explain this to his setter?

"It's for my readers!" Hinata exclaimed hoping that would make it easier for Kageyama to understand, "dumbass! You said you can't write to save your life", "I can if it interests me" defended the other.

"So two men having sex interests you?" queried the embarrassed setter, groaning Hinata buried his face into the blanket on his bed "no... It's just fanfiction".

"You still wrote about it in detail you idiot!"

"I have to! It's smut for a reason Bageyama!"

"What does that even mean?" Kageyama asked, he was so confused and so weirded out right now, what else did the latter write in his spare time? If that was smut what the hell was fluff !? Or lemon!?

"Do you write about real people too? h-have you written about me?"

"What!? Hell no! That's creepy!"

"Says the one who writes gay porn for others!"

"Ughhhh!" Hinata groaned almost crying from embarrassment and frustration, why did Kageyama have to go into smut!? Why not fluff!?

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