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Years had gone by and freya was 16 years old what felt like a normal day at school had suddenly felt off to freya! Somewhere deep down inside she felt like something bad was going to happen. She looked outside the classroom window and noticed that it was all cloudy, "I was positive that today would be sunny?" For a solid second her eyes turned yellow! When that happened she had saw buildings and what looked like a bridge "What was that?" She thought to herself "all right class it's time to settle down" the man with black hair took a glance at the class "before we get started can anyone tell me where can I find?" The man had picked up his clipboard and looked at the list of names "freya foster?" As soon as she heard her name— freya instantly stood up "I'm freya foster" she said "miss foster, Is everything ok? If your feeling Ill I can call the nurse?" The man looked at freya with a worried look "I'm not sure mr?"

"Mr. Liam" the teacher said, freya had returned to her desk she was unsure of what had happened earlier "that was strange" she thought to herself. The day went on and freya could not get over what happened earlier she tried her best to ignore it but it was hard not to

After school:
Freya was walking towards the gates of her schools entrance, as she was walking she noticed a tall man with blonde hair "he looks familiar?" She thought to herself, freya continued walking home yet so much had happened today. By the time she reaches home her hand was close to the doorknob a loud explosion was heard nearby!! Freya's necklace had gone off! her eyes turned blue! Her hands felt warm while she saw small sparks going off all around her almost like lightning "MOM" freya was scared "MOMMA" Jane quickly rushed outside.

Jane saw what was happening to freya "what the hell" she whispered "mom?!?" Freya looked at her mom as she put her hands on her hand to grasp the situation "what's happening to me?" Jane quickly brought freya into the house "it's gonna be ok!" She looked everywhere in the house to find something that would calm her down! So she thought of one thing that would...Jane rushed to freya side and gave her a hug to calm her "it's gonna be ok whatever's happening we'll work this out" freya's necklace continued to glow while freya started to calm down a little, when she was calming down her necklace stop glowing "I'm here for you always" Jane continued to hug freya as the two started to doze off

The next day:
Jane had went to check on freya while she was still asleep, a knock was heard at the front door! Jane had snuck out of Freya room and answered the door....what she saw had shocked her and made her nervous "t-Thor?!? What are you doing here?" Thor was happy to see Jane that he didn't know what to say next "h-hello Jane" Jane motioned Thor to come in the house "what brings you here?" Thor looked at the state Jane was living in "your home looks beautiful" Jane laughed a little "don't avoid the question like you used to....why are you here?"

Thor had sighed and put both hands on the table "I'm here for freya, I know she isn't at the age to come home but hemidall saw her use her power" Jane was holding back her tears but she knew she couldn't handle freya if something like that were to happen again "I'll go wake her up, just let me say goodbye to her" Jane walked back to freya room "freya" she slowly crept in the room "freya...wake up" just like that she was awake "is it morning?" Jane laughed at freya "no, but where your going it will be, listen I want you to know that I will always love you and no matter where you go I'm always here for you"

Freya was confused she didn't understand what Jane was talking about "I'm always here for you" Jane hugged freya while freya had saw a man in her doorway "who's that mom?" Jane turned around "that is your father...his name is Thor and you'll be going with him I packed your stuff already" just like that freya hugged Jane one last time and went off with Thor! Before the two left for Asgard a loud explosion was heard again "What the hell" Thor was confused "JANE" "MOM!" Both Thor and freya were worried "it's fine I'm ok" Thor looked freya in the eyes "freya it's gonna be ok I need you to go back with Jane I'll be back I promise"

Freya ran to Jane while Thor threw his hammer in the sky and it sent him flying to the sky

Avengers tower:
"HAHAHAH" as soon as Thor arrived he saw someone with a scepter in their hand and horns on their head "LOKI!" He was pissed, as soon as the look a like turned to face the city Thor was confused he could of sworn it was his brother. The avengers had assembled together to face this person "you must be Thor Odinson, just the man I was looking for" the person shot the scepter power towards Thor! he was hit with the scepter power and had flew into a building, the woman had saw Thor flew away "where do you think your going!!" Before she could do anything else the woman was almost hit with a shield! The girl looked at the person who threw the shield "YOU COULD OF KILLED ME!!"

The man looked at her "never" he said in a confident tone "you must be  the man lost In time! I've heard so much about you" the man in the star spangled suit was confused for a second, "I don't think we've had the honor of meeting....you are?" The girl looked at the man with confidence "years ago you met a man who had the same power as me....I believe he told you to kneel" the man's eyes had widened "Loki!" The girl let out a laugh "mmm close" the girl aimed the scepter at Steve and had shot the scepter power towards him! Rogers blocked  the scepter power, before Steve could do anything else he looked up and saw that the woman wasn't in front of him!

Just then Thor flew to the ground and saw where the woman went "STOP THIS MADNESS LOKI" the woman turned to face Thor "getting warmer.....it is true I am a piece of Loki" Thor was confused "to put it in simpler terms.... I am Loki daughter....it's nice to meet you uncle" Thor was shocked he didn't know what to do or how to react "what the hell" he whispered underneath his breath

Double trouble: the daughters of AsgardΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα