Arc 4 Chapter 12 - The End of Dragon Group

Start from the beginning

"That's really impressive Katsuragi-san. We of Class B were unable to narrow down who it was, although in the end we determined that it had to be Ayanokouji-kun or Horikita-san." Ichinose gave her own compliments to the man leading the conversation.

"I can understand lesser classes struggling with it, but you must understand that the entirety of Class A has been working on it for the past day. You never stood a chance."

I was surprised they struggled so much to determine the pattern. Most likely it was a hyperbole, as I didn't expect many of the Class A students to actually cooperate.

"In that case, I will be submitting Horikita's name, unless anyone can provide arguments otherwise."

Seeing no response, Katsuragi got his phone out and opened up the email app, before beginning to type. Having entered the correct mail address, and the words 'Horikita Suzune' he was about to submit it when—

"Wait, Katsuragi-san."

"Hm? What is it Nishikawa-san?"

We all turned out attention to Nishikawa, who once again had something to add. She, however, was sitting rather relaxed, observing us right back, smiling with the knowledge that she had something over us.

"I was having a wonderful dinner a couple of nights ago when I heard a very interesting conversation."

I froze at her words. Nishikawa had been in the restaurant I was at with Matsushita, but I didn't think she was close enough to be able to overhear us. A stupid blunder.

It was clear that this was all rehearsed ahead of time. Nishikawa, if she really had heard my conversation, would have gone straight to Katsuragi with the news of my plan, and wouldn't have risked waiting until the last second to deliver the news. No, this was all premeditated in a last attempt to extract any information.

"And what was it about?"

"Well, Ayanokouji was outlining his plan to leak a rumour that Horikita was the VIP. I assume that's the information you came across Katsuragi-san. He made it very clear that he was the VIP but had laid false evidence that we would find."

"That's very strange, Nishikawa-san. The pattern we found was clear the Horikita was the VIP. Unless..."

The four students of Class A turned to face Ryuuen simultaneously, in a badly executed show of power. Honestly, they were milking this moment for all it was worth, and I could tell the rest of the group was growing tense, and bored. Ryuuen, to his credit, didn't even flinch.

"Kukuku you got me! Yep, I teamed up with the monster and he gave a fake name for one of my VIPs. Actually, I'm pretty sure one of your 'superior being' classmates submitted the name. Jokes on you, baldy kukuku!"

Ryuuen didn't even wait for the accusation, didn't even try to avoid it. This situation was much to entertaining for him, knowing there was a 50/50 chance that Class A would win or lose, and there wasn't much he could do to stop it besides from causing a ruckus, without taking the same risk himself.

"So, you did ally yourself with him." Katsuragi sighed at the confirmation of his fear. "Perhaps siding with your betters is all you are capable of Ryuuen. I expected more from you this exam."

"Hoh? That's a rather bold claim from someone who's gonna come last, Katsuragi-saaan," Amikura interjected. "Besides, you're really gonna gamble on the VIP based on a conversation you overheard?"

"Amikura-san, who would you suspect less than the person who admitted to being the VIP. Honestly, it's the perfect cover and a genius plan."

"Yes, I have to agree with Nishikawa-san. You did well, Ayanokouji. I'm sure you thought 'only an idiot would out themselves as the VIP. I'ts the perfect cover', but unfortunately we saw through it. In the end, it's Class A's victory."

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