"Ha ha ha..." I laughed awkwardly. Ishan still just looked frozen and stunned... I scratched my hair, "Ha ha...so things somehow turned out like this." I said, "Okay... time to run."

I got up and ran down the steps. Ishan was still so shocked and stunned that he was not even getting up from the steps. So I just ran as fast as I can.

Adithi, you idiot! How can you just kiss him like that all of a sudden? See....that poor guy is so shocked that he can't even react. I hit my head in frustration.... Ouch, that hurt. Ah... I had accidentally hit the place where my head was injured in the accident.

I paused as it hurt badly for a second, rubbing the side of my head where I had hit.

Then, I found Ishan near me. He was gasping, as he had been running as well.

"What?" I asked.

"You..." He advanced toward me angrily.

"Okay...sorry." I shielded myself with my hands. "I had gone mental for a second. Because you looked so cute."

"Cute?" he asked.

Yeah... I was looking at him, and he looked so cute. And those lips felt so adorable and kissable. Loveable...

"You crazy..." He hissed. "You do that and run away... And you know that you should not run."

I just shrugged.

"Ah..." He looked a bit too irritated.

"What?" I yelled at him. "I wanted to. What's so wrong?"

He seemed to have gone speechless.

"Now that it came to this," I said, getting agitated. "I have been waiting for you to say something for the past few months and nothing. Everyone else can see something is between us, and you also know that - and still nothing. Ugh.... I will get old waiting like this." I grunted. "And that's not my style. I am Adithi. I am meant to do crazy things. This is me. I always act like this. So...what's the big deal?"

"Couldn't you have waited just one more day?" He asked. "I planned a whole lot of things."

"One more day?" I asked, feeling a bit confused.

"Yeah. Tomorrow is your birthday, you dumbo." He said. "And I really wanted to confess in a cool way. Making it eventful, special and memorable. In a really grand way."

Say What???

"You messed up the plan." He said.

"What were you planning to do tomorrow? Get on your knees with a bunch of roses... God, that is so....gross." I said. I hate over corny stuff.

"No." He snapped at me.

"Then?" I asked.

"Forget it. What's the use now?" he said, looking hopeless.

"I want to know. Or you can just do it tomorrow."

"What's the surprise factor in it then?" He said, sighing. "I am not going to do it."

Unfair. "No way," I yelled.

"What's the use? It turned out this way anyway. So let me just make it official now itself. Adithi, will you be my girlfriend?"

"No." I snapped. "Tell me what you were planning to do tomorrow."

He looked uneasy and embarrassed. "I don't want to say." He said.

"Then I also...my answer is 'no'."

"You can't say that...after...doing...that." He said, looking way too shy that I wanted to kiss him again.

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