"You need something."


"A doctor." She deadpanned.

"Pfft! Someone's being expressive today." I chuckled.

"Im just in a good mood. Any problems?" She challanaged.

"Nope! Non at all! So... What do you normally eat?" I asked.

"Food?" She replied.

"Seriously? What do you eat?" I asked again.

"I normally just eat whatever I can cook?" She replied.

"Let me rephrase my question. How much do you usually eat?" I asked.

"A bowl full...? Well semi full?" Athanasia replied.

At this point I figured that that I was just being stupid.

Or she was being hard.

"You eat too less. Your too light." I went straight to the point.

"How would you know how much I weigh?" She asked me.

"I carried you to your doorstep. Dont you remember?" I asked her.

She stayed silent.

I turned around to see why she was being quiet.

She was putting up one of the curtains so she was on a ladder.

'I thought I told her to call me when she does that!?'

"My god! Your insane! Don't you know to not go on the freaking ladder while no one's watching!" I yelled running up to her.

"Oi! Are you listening!" I scolded as I held the ladder and looked up.

"Athanasia?" I called.

"First of all! Don't look up! What if I was wearing a skirt! Second of all! I was perfectly fine!" She yelled at me.

"Why are you panicking? If you were wearing a skirt I wouldn't even tell you to be the one who goes up. I would do it myself!" I shouted back.

"Then why aren't you doing it!" She yelled.

"Because you said you wanted to do it! Plus your wearing pants Athanasia! I don't see why your freaking out!" I yelled back.

"I need you two over that to keep it down!" The director yelled at us.

Both her and I didn't reply.


"You were blushing?" I asked.

"So what if I was. Clearly failed at hiding it." She grumbled.

I didn't even notice her face was red!

"Why were you blushing?" I didn't say anything that I thought would've made her blush..

"At the time that you were carrying me It didn't register in my brain you were carrying me. Only now when you brought it up did I remember that." She said.


"Did you enjoy it?" I asked her as she avoided looking at me and foucased on the curtain.

"Do you think I had time to enjoy it?" She retorted.

"You were lighter then most of the others I've carried." I said.

"How many people have you carried?" She asked her voice seeming monotonous.

"That sounds like jealousy Athanasia." I said as she just shurgged her shoulders.

"I've had to carry alot of people. Not only for romantic scenes but also there was also one scene w where my comrade was weak and I had to carry him to the hospital." I listed.

"I can only imagine you doing that." She said.

All of a sudden she went quiet.

And I did not like it.

"There was a movie which I was carried by ijekiel. I must say he was quiet strong." She said.

"We are never watching that movie." I replied.

"But it was one of my favourites." She said giggling.

I knew she was making me jealous but even when I knew it didn't help with the fact that I would still feel jealous.

"Who was stronger? Me or ijekiel?" I asked her.

She shut up and looked at me.

Both of us made eye contact for a moment.

I saw how she blushed and looked away.

"I don't know." She replied.

"Don't know or don't want to say?" I asked her.

"Both." She replied.

"Can you move the ladder more to the left?" She asked.

I did as she said.

"Do we need to go back to your house first to get your things?" I asked her.

"No. I got my things in the back of my car. Before I came to work with Jennette I already brought Mara to your house with her things." She replied.

"How did Jennette feel?" I asked.

Was I interested in how she felt?


But I knew that she could make that bastard mad.

And that would be bad for athanasia.

"I didn't tell her. Probably going to get in trouble for this later..." She said sighing.

"Why?" I asked.

"She can't cook. So she's gonna have to figure out what's for dinner herself along with father."

"Wait... You cook for your whole family?" I asked.


"What happened to Jennette's parents?" I asked.

"You don't know?"

"I only researched on you. She doesn't interest me." I replied.

"Her parents are dead."

"Father adopted her when her parents died."

"At that time I was 11? I think.. It was a year after mama died."

"She was never shy. She looked more like a ray of the sun. Navie."

"Due to that fact father favoured her more." Athanasia finished.

"How did they die?" I asked.

"Ironically. They both died at the same time but different place. One has a heart attack at home. The other fell down the stairs at his work place." Athanasia said.

"Like some sad love story." I mumbled and Athanasia nodded.

"Alright! Im done!" She said slowly getting down.

"Careful." I reminded.

"This sounds horrible but I wish you fell, so that I could catch you." I told her.

"That's too bad I guess." She said walking away.

'I wonder if her sister has something to do with her mood today'

Fake it till you make it - LucathyWhere stories live. Discover now