"What do you want?"

"I was gonna ask if you saw my phone ..."

"Hmm ..." I thought for a moment. "No, I don't think so."

"Okay ... Wait, how come you're not panicking or stuff?"

"I told you, it rarely strikes. And thankfully, it stopped and I'm 'normal' now."

"O-ok ...?" He eyed me suspiciously. Suddenly, I saw a bird pass by the window. That excited me for some reason and I don't know why. I pushed America away and squealed.

"Hey look, a pigeon!!" I shrieked.

"Yeah, what about it?" He raised an eyebrow. The bird flew away just as I reached the window.

"Oh no, it's gone ..."

We both walked to the sofa and sat down again. America found his phone as soon as his butt laid on the cushion. How? Well, he sat on it. I mean, what other reasons are there? Wait, there are other reasons ... Meh, I don't care. I feel happy —

No wait ... A while ago, I felt happy. But now, how come I'm ... Suddenly moody? What the heck. I did my best and just shrugged it off. It's not something I should worry about, right?

"Hey, you ok?" America anxiously asked. I noticed I was frowning a lot.

"Fuck off ..."


"I said fuck off."

"Ok! Geez, chill."

I snapped for a minute and suddenly got up smiling. I pulled his arm and dragged him to my room. I giggled a bit. He yanked his arm away and looked at me suspiciously.

"What the fuck ..."

"Hey! No cursing!"

"But you —"

"No buts —" I stopped dead and stood there blankly. "Hold on ... Why was I ..."

"Are you ok? What just happened back there?"

I realized it sooner than I anticipated. I have a mental illness and it's true, lol. Wait, I always have. But like, one only. I think? Yeah, just one. But I'm not sure.

"Ой, простите (oh, I'm sorry)."

"It's ok, but what just happened?"

"Nothing, don't worry. Just call me a bipolar freak," I chuckled at my own joke. I realized that I just joked about my mental illness.

"What? I'm not gonna call you that."

"Hold on ... I am bipolar ..."

"Wait ... Y-You're bipolar?"

"Yeah, that's why I pretty much why I ... I acted weirdly."

"O-Ok ..." He whipped out his phone and typed madly on the screen. Then he closed whatever app he opened and smiled.

"What did you just do?"

"I typed in your conditions. I don't have the sharpest memory, so I might forget easily."

"Ok, what could possibly happen?"

The only thing is, many things can happen. I can unlock more bad endings than I can even think of. Feeling frustrated, I gave America a frown and a very dismissive shrug.

What should I do know? An hour passed and America made a few phone calls. I'm guessing he told everyone about my mental illness and problems. F in the chat for me.

I wasn't really sure if I should care or not. But I decided to just forget about it. And I'm sure that I'll regret it afterwards, so I still paid attention to it. Well, just a little bit.

America, as always (at least from what I've seen so far), was slacking around. I wonder if he even has a job. But I guess I can only find out through asking. I took a seat beside the discontented cowboy.

"You good buckaroo?" I asked teasingly with a scornful smirk and a deceiving western accent. America chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just bored," he slouched.

"I'm just curious, do you have a job?"

"Yeah, I do. I mainly do my own personal government things and handle peace stuff with UN. My own international firms like Walmart, Amazon, Apple Inc, and also restaurant chains like KFC, McDonald's, Wendy's Pizza Hut, etcetera, are running good on their own. Because of that I mostly worry about the government and organization stuff, but I still watch my firms."

"Makes sense to me if you need to pay attention to UN. I mean, it started with you and UK. You both issued a declaration, signed by representatives of 26 countries. The signatories of the declaration vowed to create an international postwar peacekeeping organization which is the UN, right? I'm not sure. To be honest, I don't know where I got that information from."

"Yes? No? Maybe? I don't exactly remember," he giggled nervously.

"And how come you're not ... you know, working?"

"UN said that since I'm handling or watching over you, I should take a break or something like that. I guess he said that, so I can pay attention to you better. Or maybe because I don't get enough sleep ...?"

His hand reached for the TV remote and started switching from one channel to another. After several attempts to find an amusing show, he threw the remote down the sofa and let out a snarl.

"All the shows are so dull and boring. Those drama stuff they show on that black screen, I've watched like tons of episodes on YouTube already," he sulked.

"Why don't we go outside?" I suggested. America shot up immediately and grabbed my arm.

"What the —"

"C'mon! Let's go!"

"Ok, ok!" I shouted. America let go of my hand. I yanked away and rubbed my wrist, the area where he grasped a little too tight that it left a temporary mark.

I went to the kitchen and pulled a drawer. I snatched an old-looking stained envelope and ripped off the red wax seal. It looked like the ones you see in old detective movies. I pulled out the tattered paper and read the letter.

How's it going? I hope you're having a great time with the game. As so you know, I lied about America having trust issues. Yes, feel free to call me an asshole. In reality, I was testing to see if you trust me. But from my interpretation, you ignored my note. Funny how you did, but true and it helped.

There's an update in the system and you won't level up anymore. Instead, you will earn relationship points to increase trust and friendship level with the characters, I will still send you letters and gifts.

When you come back from your walk with the cowboy, there will be a small 'package' on the countertop. It's another gift. It is invisible to the American's eyes, but will become seeable once you grab hold of it. Good luck on your journey in this so-called game.

The paper folded itself into a perfect envelope that looked the same way it did before I ripped it apart. I noticed that the envelope on the counter was gone. I don't really care if they lied to me. But I guess I'll call them an asshole because I kinda feel like it.

Happy Ending? [Countryhumans]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora