Chapter 9

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Barcelona Spain

"Y/N... hey... Y/N. You alive in there?"
I snapped back when a hand waved In my face.
"Huh, sorry Lewis I am just slightly distracted at the minute"
"What's up, you haven't spoke a word since we got on the plane."
"Nothing I'm fine"
"No. What's up. Talk to me."
"Im just planning my, 'Toto I'm fucking a ferrari driver please dont fire me' speech."
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"That look said it all. I'm done."
"You don't know that. You are the golden child out of us two at the moment."
"Still. Its been a pleasure racing with you my friend."
"Y/N he can't fire you because of that. You're  leading the championship, you're the best driver on that grid by a mile. And I most certainly know your not going anywhere without a fight."
"Thanks lew."

I let out a sigh and rested my head on his shoulder. I hoped Lewis was right, Toto would have to come round to it some day.

The hostess through the intercom announced the plane was landing soon. The journey wasn't too bad and Lando even managed to get us all to the airport earlier than usual.


We pulled up to the hotel where I jumped out the taxi and pulled out my phone to message Toto.

Can we have a meeting. Need to speak to you ASAP about something.

I then messaged Seb.

Hope to see you soon. X

"Is this soon enough for you? A voice said behind me in German.

"I thought your plane didn't land until 3?"
"Eh took an earlier one to spend more time with you"
"Oh you romantic" I joked
"Let me take your bag up to the hotel room. I'll let you two be." Lewis offered.
"Thank you, see you later for the track walk?"
"Ye, don't have too much fun." He hugged me before walking off.

"So Mr romantic where are we off to?" I said as we started walking.
"You'll see, some certain man of ice requested I bring you along to lunch."

We walked down the street to a small cafe where kimi and alonso were sat waiting. Kimi recognised me and started waving frantically almost knocking out nando in the process.

We entered the cafe where I was welcomed with massive hug from kimi.
"Nice to see you too iceman" I said wriggling out of his tight embrace. "Nando."
"Y/N, pleasure as always."

We sat down at the table and talked for what felt hours. Fernando and Kimi were easy people to talk to and they didn't talk to many other people so it felt like an honour. I kept looking over at Seb, he was enjoying the fact his girlfriend got along so well with his best friends.

My phone ran. It lit up with the name Toto Wolff. I looked over at Seb who noticed my concerned face.

"Ye, lemme take this real quick"
"No its fine Y/N we need to be heading off anyway, Jesus is looking for me according to Fred."
"OK, bye you two. Nice to properly talk to you both." I smiled slightly and pressed the answer button.
"Hey Y/N you OK. I got your message, come over to the track now and we can have a chat if you would like."
"Thanks Toto. See you soon."

"You OK?" Seb reached across the table and grabbed my hand in his.
"Ye, you want to go see Toto now."
"Ready when you are. We can always cancel I quite like the secrecy."
"Secrecy? Half the fucking grid knows."
"True, shall we?"

He got up and we made our way out of the small cafe back towards the track. It was eerily quiet for a Thursday. Weird. We got to the door of the Mercedes meeting room and knocked. Toto answered it and was let's say not the most happy to see Seb stood behind me.

"Y/N" He said pulling me into a hug. "Why have you brought him. He is probably spying right now."
"He isn't. I practically blindfolded him walking through the garage and we'll explain in a minute"

We both walked into the room and shut the door behind. Toto sat across from us two on the sofa and glared at Seb.

"What did you want to speak to me about Y/N"
"Well... I need to come clean. I- um- well we..." I said placing my hand on Sebs thigh. "We are dating."

Totos face went white. I thought he was going to faint. He had no clear expression on his face but I think he is completely pissed. Better start staying bye to my career.

"Since when."
"Um." I looked at Seb for support who just looked back at me for a moment and took my hand in his, squeezing it slightly. "Only a few days. I wanted to tell you as I know your feelings about ferrari are not all great. I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologising?"
"I don't know."
"Don't. There is nothing to apologise for. As long as you are happy. I'm slightly annoyed it had to be Seb you fell for but I cant control that. Just don't let it ruin your winning streak."
"Yes thanks Toto. Can't have Ferrari nicking the title bow can we?" I joked.

I got up to hug the man. He still looked pale and slightly angry but this was probably temporary. He looked over my shoulder at Seb and whispered something to Seb in German along the lines of 'you hurt her I will end you.' Protective much.

"Toto. I'm Austrian I can understand what you are saying."
"Shit you caught me out there" He chuckled as he pulled away from the hug.
"Now if you excuse us, we have a track walk to do." Said Seb. He held out his hand and I took it in mine. It felt so good to be able to do that without fearing being caught.
"Yes you do. I'll catch you later Y/N. Seb" He finished with a small nod.
"Mr Wolff." He nodded back. "I'll promise to not look at the garage on my way out."

We began walking down the pit straight to where we was going to meet Charles and Lewis

"That went better than expected." I said still slightly stunned.
"Ye. But it was worth it, wasn't it?" He said pulling me round to face him. He brushed my cheek with his hand and placed a hair behind my ear.
"Was it though??" I poked at him.
He then cupped my face in his hands and bring himself closer, his lips pressing onto mine. God that felt good.
"Definitely worth it." I said as I pulled away.

"Oi Tazzy. Stop fucking your boyfriend and get over here. We have a track to walk." Shouted a very familiar Australian voice.
"Alright Richardio. No need to be so violent." I chuckled.

He was stood with Lewis, Charles and Esteban. It seemed that the guys at Renault were joining us too. Lewis wheeled my bike over to me and Charles had Seb's. We all rode off onto the track. I hung back to talk to Lewis the others riding slightly ahead.

"He is pissed. But he isn't showing it. He was being all supportive and just told me to not let it blur my focus."
"Good. You happy then."
"I mean how could I not. Have you seen my boyfriend, he is just..."

We both looked up to see Seb swerving side to side of the track with his feet hanging out, not on the pedals.

"He's yours." Chuckled Lewis.

We caught up with the rest of the pack. It was nice to catch up with Danny as we hadn't properly talked in years since we went karting together.

"Woh Taz. If I can remeber correctly that night you was the one who got pissed out of your mind and ended up stuck in the kitchen sink."
"You can't say much badgie! You was the one dancing on the table to Whitney Houston."

We both burst out in fits. The rest of the group just chuckling at our stupid antics and adventures we had.

"May I ask what is the story behind the names Taz and Badger?" Asked Lewis
"Well." I started. "We basically were the cool kids back in the 2000s that did all the different what animal are you tests. Well there was this really good one and I got a tasmanian devil and he got a honey badger. Like two coolest animals in existnace. The nicknames kind of stuck after that but I don't know why."
"And now they are on our helmets!"
"See masterplan all along ey? Who are the cool ones now?"

We all finished the lap. Not really talking about the corners but ut was good to have some fun before the stress of the weekend. We rode past Lando and George, shouting their names as we passed, I would catch up with them tomorrow morning before first practice.

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