Day 3: University

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Harry sighed in frustration. Why did he always do this to himself?! He had had a whole TWO MONTHS on his assignment, but of course, he had only started it two days before the due date. His best friend Ron sat next to him, in a similar boat to be honest, although he seemed to care a lot less than Harry that they might fail the semester. “It’s just chemistry,” he would say with a shrug, “I’m only doing it because my mum said I had too.” To be honest, Ron only ever came to the libraries to sit near his crush Hermione. As she was the most studious girl in the university, Harry couldn’t see how that could possibly work out, but hey, they say opposites attract, right?

Harry groaned and slammed his forehead onto the table, causing one of the textbooks at the edge of the huge pile to fall to the floor with a crash. Hermione glared at them from her place a few tables away, and Ron hurriedly pointed to Harry so as to not receive the blame. She scowled and looked back down at her textbook as Harry bent to pick up his own; only to find it open to the inside of the back cover, with a phone number and the scrawled words “call me for a good time”  followed by a winky face. Harry chuckled and lifted the book to show Ron, who promptly snorted.

“Call it mate!” he said jokingly, “merlin knows you need to have a good time, what with all these assignments lately!” Harry laughed and shook his head.

“I’m going to go get another book,” he said listlessly, and got up out of his chair, groaning as his muscles protested. Ron, however, grinned to himself as he saw the perfect opportunity for a prank, and grabbed Harry’s phone off the table.


Harry returned to his seat to find a suspicious looking Ron grinning from ear to ear. He felt a horrid sinking feeling in his gut. “Ron,” he ground out, “what did you do?”

Ron just giggled and pointed at Harrys phone; “I got you a date, mate! I just told him that you’d met at a party and he’d given you his number – and that you were really hot, too!”

Harry felt his face flush with embarrassment. “Dammit Ron!” he hissed, “what on earth did you do that for?!”

“Harry mate,” said Ron, leaning forward in his chair, “you, my friend... need to get laid. Just give the guy a chance, alright?”


Thus, two days later, Harry Potter stood outside Sal’s milkshake emporium, in his best pair of jeans and with his hair mildly tamed. His hands jittered nervously, so Harry tucked them inside his pockets, only to think that that would look too “cool dude” and promptly took them back out again. He decided it was now or never, squared his shoulders and pushed open the double doors. He was early (by ten minutes in fact) so he assumed he’d be first to arrive and went straight to the counter. After he had ordered a triple chocolate thickshake, with all the toppings thanks, he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. His head whipped around to take in the sight of the pale, bond man in front of him. He gave of an air of easy sophistication, like he had been brought up in a wealthy home. His outfit screamed rich as well, a pale shirt and blue tie collaborating nicely with his crisp dark dress pants. Harry looked up to the man’s face, blushing as he’d realised he’d been staring.  Cool grey eyes smiled at his reaction, and his mouth opened for the first time, revealing straight white teeth.

“Harry, right?” his voice was soft, as was the hand proffered to shake. “I’m Draco. It’s good to meet you, though I honestly don’t remember giving my number out at a party recently...”

Harry blushed at that, and ducked his head a little as he coughed in shame. “Uh.... about that... you didn’t really give your number too me. I found it in the back of my chemistry textbook.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, still not making eye contact. Draco made an odd choking sound, and Harry looked up in alarm, only to realise that the other was trying to stifle a laugh.

“And you just decided to text a random person? To ask them out on a date?” Draco was fully fledged laughing now. He’s in shock, harry decided. Shock at the fact that he would ever agree to a date with some guy he’d never met before.

Harry grinned in return. “I’ll have you know it was my friend Ron that did all that,” he said, rolling his eyes, “what I want to know is how your number came to be in there in the first place?”

Draco paused his giggling fit, looking thoughtful. ‘He looks cute when he’s thinking’ Harry grins a little too himself at the thought. This was a good decision.

“It’d have to be Pansy,” Draco decided, “She’s the only one with the balls to do something like this.”

Harry smiled at Draco. Yeah. This was definitely a good decision.


day four coming soon; wild, wild west!

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