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"It's detected so late... but... they are doing their best to help me.." Eiko said as she tried to sound cheery.

She stared at the Sakura tree outside her hospital window...

Since that day, Sakusa Kiyoomi would drop by and stay longer than the other day.

The doctors and nurses allowed him to stay seeing how positive his impact to Eiko.

Her parents are also happy on how the young boy makes Asami positive and smile more.

Sakusa would bring different anime wigs and he'll take her photos which Eiko enjoys a lot.

They spend his and her birthday together... since they were both born in the 20th of March.. They both celebrated Christmas together, and New Year too... in the hospital.

She even gave him Valentine's chocolate... and in return, Sakusa gave her lollipop during White Day... She became so happy that day... She didn't expected Mr. Snobbish, Sakusa Kiyoomi would stick around like this....

She felt special..

"You must be busy, Kiyoo-kun... The final exams are coming... and you got some volleyball games, too.. You don't have to-"

"It's okay.... I have my schedules in check..."

She smiled.
"Hey... Kiyoo-kun... Could I have one request tonight?"

He looked at the girl.
"Sure. Just don't post it on social media."

"Wait... how do you know?!"

He smiled and held the girl's hand.
"I'll be the one taking the picture."


They faced Sakusa's phone..
"Smile, Kiyoo-kun!"

They flashed their sweetest smile into the picture taken.

She checked the photo and smiled from ears to ears.
"I told you, you have a beautiful smile, Kiyoo-kun."

"No. I don't..... Someone just told me, that pictures serve as memories... and I... I want to cherish these memories, Asami...These memories with you because......" the lad said stuttering..

"I love you, Kiyoo..."

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he tightened his grip to the girl's hand.

"I... I hate your guts..."

She chuckled...
"I know... Like you're gonna love me bac-"

"I love you, Asami."

I Hate You... Please, Come Back | Sakusa x OCWhere stories live. Discover now