Breaking The Ground Rules

Start from the beginning

a simple phrase through our dear glasses-wearing Madrigal mind, whose silent way towards Marulanda's house, made itself last an eternity by the simple fact that it was awkward to walk a lot with a dude you never knew, and seemed very wary of her company even if he spoke nicely

Silence soon was broken by Sergio, who stopped to rest from carrying the box, rolling up the sleeves of his warm-toned guayabera shirt, sighing as he grabbed some fresh air

- Hey, Mirabel Madrigal, verdad? -

Well... It was unexpected to him to talk again after such time walking, much more the fact that he only spoke to ask her name.

-Eh, si? - At least it was a relief he remembered her name correctly, not many were able of such as she was basically apart from the family by being giftless, so 10 points for effort.

- My family got a few rules for those who want to talk with my aunt, even if it's family members or even the Madrigals. It's okay if I recite them to you?- His weary tone came back as he checked everything was inside the box, it seemed like Julieta always sends the same kind of objects, Mirabel wonders how many times her family has sent these things being their backs... That was weird, that means there's a lot more into Marulanda than she initially thought.

Mirabel clung quite tight to her bag, where she was hiding the pieces of her prophecy. With Sergio's question, she only nodded with an awkward smile, making sure to pay attention.

-Good; To begin, if she offers you food you should take it, I know it's general niceness but she tends to... Well, she's always thankful when someone likes her cooking and accepts it - A first and understandable request, Mama Julieta does the same. - She always leaves fresh arepas on a plate in the kitchen window, don't touch them nor ask her about them, she gets... She says crazy things when you ask her, try not to ask- Seemed like her own family treated her as some sort of crazy lady at some points, weird...

-Fair enough, thanks, anything else I should know? -

They continued to walk as Sergio carried the box again, not so far away one could see an old house in considerably good shape, it was considered big enough to fit around 5 people but also had a little zone that looked like a shop, although that portion of the house looked like no one has cared of it for a considerable time.

- Yes, one last thing before you meet my aunt...- Sergio hurried to the house as Mirabel tried to follow after, hands always clinging into her bag hoping that none of the emerald fragments fall.

The Salazar young man knocked on the door rhythmically, seemed like his signature knocking to alert his aunt. He was on a more serious complex than some seconds ago, whatever he wants to warn Mirabel about, must be more serious than the past two rules.

-Sure, no problem, tell me-

- Do not speak to her about that... uncle of yours. Aunt Maru tends to say crazy stuff as soon as he is mentioned... He's not a good theme to touch in front of her-


Camilo was right, after all, Marulanda Salazar seems to know something about Bruno and even her family  has some sort of idea of her link with him

Although this rule... For Mirabel to help the magic, she might have to break these rules to obtain the truth she longs for.

- Sure, understood -

- Good, then that's a- - Whatever he tried to say, was gone now, as soon as the door opened a lady in her late 40's showed up, dark skin but with certain soft features, golden and green colors seem to be her signature look. Her face... It was hella blurry but Mirabel could swear she had seen her before in other situations, but she cannot put her finger on it with exactitude.

- Sergio? Ay niño ya llegaste con las cosas, gracias amorcito - A soft yet a little raspy voice, perfectly fit for how she looks. As soon as she saw Mirabel she was notably confused and shocked, but eventually, a smile was formed as she grasped her hands together in a soft clap. - I wasn't told I'll get another visit besides Sergio bringing the things, pero entren, entren, ya me podran contar!-

- Ah, not me Auntie, I just came to leave the stuff and get right back home, but Mirabel right here wants to learn from your job, so I brought her over, I hope you don't mind- The blood relatives vid farewell with a small hug and kiss on the cheek, Doña Marulanda giving him a small blessing and letting Sergio go, not before looking at Mirabel, sending a warning that our dear girl will not obey, she's come so far, and answers are truly needed desperately.

- I see Sergiecito, no problem, you can visit longer next time. Send my regards to your mom and the rest of the family, tell them to visit whenever they can and take care mi muchachito - 

As Sergio left, eventually Marulanda made a soft sign so Mirabel could come inside the house, which was heavily nicely decorated in warm and neutral colors, a few plants here and there to match with the personal green color that the Salazar lady wore on several occasions. Younger family photos that count with 5 original family members but eventually kept growing with new nephews and in-laws. 

There seemed to be some photos missing, as there were parts in which looked something was missing, Mirabel supposed it might be photos of the current owner of the house herself.

-Thank you Señora Salazar -

-Call me Marulanda, take a seat and tell me how can I help you, dear -

Always keeping a nice, calm, and warm tone while talking; Mirabel took a seat as said, leaving her bag in her legs while waiting for Maru, who eventually took a seat while serving Tinto with queso cuajada, with some sugar to add by the side. -Hope you enjoy the Tinto, I tend to make a lot just in case I get visits-

- I've been told you are a great embroider and seamstress, and I was interested in such - Grabbing the bag with more force, maintaining a nervous smile; Marulanda simply smiled at the compliment, searing it off humbly. - But... There's something else I need to discuss with you-

No time to back down, gotta break Sergio's ground rules for a greater good, never really knew the guy so... Yeah, go on!

-Sure thing, I have no problem with whatever you need to discuss-

The green tint from the broken emerald plank illuminated slightly from Mirabel's glasses, the same shards that got thrown in the dinner table, thrown again here as she tried to assemble them quickly trying not to cut herself with the shards, completely concentrated in this magical puzzle with an equally puzzling future.

- It's about Bruno Madrigal, my uncle, and I was told you know quite a lot about him and this could help me resolve this vision and save the Milagro -

Words were spoken with such dedication, watching at silent terror the vision of an indecisive destiny. No words from Marulanda for the first couple moments, her hand slowly approaching the emerald plank, a kind of object she thought she'll never see again, her hand slowly trembled as she touched the surface, a golden ring in her left hand shining softly in front of the greenish tint the vision emitted. 

- You... Maybe you should start drinking your tinto now... By the time I'm finished, it may get cold...  -

- I have all the time in the world, you just tell me the truth -

- Then ... let's go back around 20 years, there's so much to tell about mi Flaco-

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