-_~Chapter One ~_-

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My ocean blue orbs started to fill with tears as he shoved me against the locker repeatedly.



"You're such a fucking whore y/n," he snarled back.

He brought his fist up, about to punch me. My eyes widened, "p-p-p-please h-h-harry," Suddenly, his eyes flashed with regret. He dropped me and backed away. "S-s-s-s-s-s-sor-r-ry, I-i-i-i don't kn-kn-know what g-g-g-ot in-t-to me," he stuttered

I couldn't say anything, confusion pounding in my head.

When my head finally cleared, I tried to open my mouth to say something but he turned and sprinted off to the showers.

I got up, brushing my golden brown locks out of my bashed up face, and up into a messy bun. "How could anyone ever feel sorry for beating me up?" I cried and ran away.

When I got home, my mother grabbed me by the ear, which was adorned by 28 piercings because I'm not like other girls, and threw me into my room. "That's what you get for being late you fucking bitch!" she screamed.

"Oh, and I'm selling you."

"Ok..." I mumbled, not hearing over my tears.

"WAIT WHAT!?!?!?!?" "HOW COULD YOU????" I screamed, fury coursing through my blood. This new found strength gave me the ability to break my door down. I charged into the kitchen of the wooden shack on the side of the road that we lived in and grabbed her by the throat.

Caught by surprise, she screamed, but it died down as my grip tightened.

"Ever since Dad was shot by a Russian spy, you were all I had, now you're selling me? I can't believe you," I said through gritted teeth, emotions swirling around my head.

On one hand, I knew she never really loved me. I learnt that fact ages ago; that's when I started listening to Billie Eilish.

On the other, she was the one who brought me into the world, I couldn't leave her. She cared for me all 18 years of my life. She was the only one that actually paid any attention to me, even if it was because I didn't buy her a pack of ciggys.

"When are they coming to get me?" I questioned glancing up at the ceiling, unable to look at her.

"T-t-they should b-b-be here any min-min-minute," she choked out.

Just as I was about to say how bad of a mother she was, there was a pounding at the door.

We looked at each other, an unreadable emotion filling her blue orbs, which I inherited from her. Regret, maybe? Or happiness that she could finally fuel her addiction to gambling, drugs, betting on racehorses, alcohol, nicotine, crack, heroin, weed, meth, painkillers, her pornhub subscription and much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much more.

I dropped her, leaving her on the grimy kitchen floor struggling for breath, as I went to answer my door, to answer my fate.

Standing at the door, there was a burly man, who I feared was my new owner. I didn't want him to own me, he'd probably rip me in half. But to my relief, he stepped aside. Standing behind him were four lads. Four lads I hated. They were the quadrillionaires who practically owned my school. One of which I recognised from my encounter with him earlier.

Standing on the end, with a sickly grin, was Liam.

Next to him, eyebrows raised in judgement, was Louis.

Beside him, looking bored on his phone, was Zayn.

Lastly, sheepishly stood next to his mates was the one I despise the most.

Harry. Harry Bloody Styles.

I almost shut the door in their faces, only to be stopped by their bodyguard. I looked up in fear, my weak figure crumbling beneath the stone cold gaze of most of One Direction.

He grabbed both of my shoulders, my bones rattling around inside me. Throwing my limp body over his shoulder he carried me to their 82 foot stretch limousine. I came back to reality and started kicking and screaming, my frail arms and legs nothing in comparison to his beefy arms and chest.

"She's a fighter," Liam said snarkily, "more so than the last one, anyway,"

The boys laughed at this, and hopped into the waiting car. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, I thought as I noticed the swanky interior of the limo. But I spoke too soon, and before I could protest, I was stuffed into the boot of the car.

"N-no! P-p-p-please, let m-m-me out!" My claustrophobia started to kick in, along with all my other fears; nyctophobia (fear of the dark), amaxophobia (fear of driving), and thanatophobia (fear of dying), trypophobia (fear of holes), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), just to name a few. My breathing started to get more shallow as my panic attack flared up, and my head was spinning.

Everything went black.


Hey guys, what did you think of chapter one?

It took me 63 hours to write and edit.

I hope you vote it good. Im not like other girls so you should. I do gaming and drink sugar free blue v. I also wear zip up hoodies. Yeah so since I'm one of a kind you should vote.

XOXOXXOXOX <3<3<3<3<3<3 UWU


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