chapter 16

452 18 12

(Pls its December 18th and i still don't have his hoodie. I'm fr mad disappointed. In myself ofc. Never gonna be disappointed in my sharty bae💪🏽😍)

"Y/N... perhaps would you mind telling us about that mark on your neck..??" Lucifer said as he cleared his throat and fixed his posture. You began turning bright red and tried thinking of a response. "O-oh this?? Yeah... that's...-u-um..I accidentally fell!! Yeah, I fell and somehow I hit right here on my neck!! It was weird huh?? Haha!!" You began quickly eating your food, even Beel was suprised. "Oh!! Looks like I've finished my food!! I'm going to put away the dishes and go to my room!" Still blushing, you quickly put away your things and just pretended like nothing happened.

==========After you left============

Beel blushed, knowing he was the cause of the hickey on your neck. Everyone saw his blush and instantly knew what was going on. "Beel, would you mind explaining Y/N's 'mark' on her neck..??" He looked down and just ate faster. Suddenly Lucifer and him made eye contact. He knew he wouldn't get out of this. "I just...well, things were a you know...we didn't go to far.." He fiddled with his fingers and avoided to look at Lucifer straight in the eyes. "Hm, I see. Good thing
Y/N is going back to their room tonight." Beel didn't know how to respond. All he did was nod his head. and look down.

He finished his food and went to his room, hearing the vibration from his phone. It was a message from you. He smiled the moment he read 'New message from: Y/N :)♡' He opened the message a bit worried, but not too worried. Of course, he obviously knew you were probably curious about how'd it go when you left. Like did the brother's question him? Most likely. Well, they obviously did. Why wouldn't they?

========new messages=============

Y/N :) ♡: Hey Beel uhh...sorry about leaving you with your brothers....

Y/N :) ♡: How did it go? Did you end up having to tell them?

Y/N :) ♡: Do they already know..? :(

Beel: Yeah, I mean, I'm not really sure if they know but maybe they do. I just told them that we didn't go too far.

Y/N :) ♡: then... they know..?

Beel: Most likely.

Y/N :) ♡: Oh um...

Y/N :) ♡: How did they react?

Y/N :) ♡: Were they okay with it?

Beel: I'm not sure

Beel: I kind of just left after telling them that we didn't go too far.

Y/N :) ♡: Oh, alright.

Beel: Lucifer definitely had something to say. He was like "Hm I see. Good thing Y/N will be going back to their room tonight."

Y/N :) ♡: OH-

Y/N :) ♡: I completely forgot about that...
( ;∀;)

Beel: It's okay, like you said, we could still hang out with each other :)

Beel: It was nice while it lasted though, I will miss being able to lay next to you every night... (' . .̫ . ')

Y/N :) ♡: Me too... :((

========message: seen=============

He opened your message, but there was nothing to keep the conversation going. You sighed, wondering how the brothers would react once you walked out of that room. At least you had some makeup that would blend into your S/C skin. So you applied some to where the hickey was.

Luckily, you were able to cover it up with ease, and it was if it was never there. But it wouldn't stay for long, since you didn't have any setting spray... maybe you could ask Asmo? Nah hes gonna ask you about it. Suddenly, Asmo barges in the room. Speaking of the devil. "Oh, Y/N~!! Tell me, what happened last night! I know I heard a few noises, but I never knew that would happen~" you sighed. Asmo, being the chismoso he is, just had to come and ask you.

(pls tell me i spelt that right, i may be mexican but that doesn't mean idk how to spell some words)

"We just kissed, gave me a hickey, and slept. Thats it. Now could you please give me some setting spray? Knowing you, you probably have it." He smirked, knowing what you were trying to do. "Trying to cover it up, huh? Well, I'm pretty experienced with this type of stuff, so let me help you out, dear~!!"


sorry for not updating alot y'all, life is shit rn so yuhhh....we tryna stay motivated n shii🤩

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