Act 2- Akane and Reika- Sailor Phobos and Deimos

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As Mizuki got to school with Usagi, everyone was talking about three girls. Usagi was interested as well as Mizuki. "Did two of them look like priestesses?" Mizuki asked, curious since she had never seen them before. "All I know is that they look identical to this Rei Hino person and are very protective of her, not letting anyone hurt her and are planning on ruining her dad's life after finding out he chose politics over family." Naru said. "Other than that, not much." Mizuki smiled and went to class with everyone.
After school, Mizuki went to visit the two girls that looked similar to Rei Hino, who Mizuki remembered as Princess and Sailor Mars. When she got there, she looked at the girls standing next to her.
"Hi, I'm Tsukino Mizuki. You must be Rei Hino, right?" Rei nodded. "These are my associates, Akane and Reika. Somehow I feel connected to them, but I'm not sure how." Rei said. Crystal, Mizuki's cat, then showed up. "Is that a cat?" Akane asked. Mizuki nodded. "Yeah, it is," said Mizuki. "It has the crescent moon on it." They all smiled and parted ways as it was time to leave. The next day, as Mizuki and Usagi were at school, they saw Ami, and Nozomi, talking about something suspicious.
"Look, Ami-Chan, we need to make sure that no one gets brainwashed! What if the same thing happened to Usagi and the others?" Nozomi asked. Ami nodded. "But who will believe us?"
Ami asked. "We will!" Mizuki and Usagi said at the same time. "Really?" Ami asked. "Then you'll help?" Mizuki nodded. "We'll do what we can!" Mizuki said. As school ended, the girls went their separate ways and Usagi and Mizuki ran into Akane and Reika, the two girls that Naru talked about. Mizuki introduced them to each other along with Rei as she stopped by. "If you need help with anything, Mizuki, you know where to find me." Rei said as she left. Akane and Reika stayed with the girls.
"Moon, change me into a doctor!"
"Silver Moon, change me into a nurse!"
"Phobos Moon Power, Make Up!"
"Deimos Moon Power, Make Up!"
As the girls got to the place, they saw a security officer.
"We need to get inside! It's an emergency!" Usagi said as she and the others went inside.
"Okay, crazy lady, we know your stupid plot! Our friends told us about it!
So get lost!" Mizuki said as she winked at everyone to transform.
"Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"
"Lunar Eclipse Power, Make Up!"
"Mercury Power, Make Up!"
"Earth Crystal Power, Make Up!"
"Brainwashing people is not okay! I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and justice! I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the Moon, I'll you!"
"I'm the Lunar Guardian who fights for love, justice and the moon! I'm Sailor Lunar Eclipse! In the name of the Moon, I'll punish you!"
"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and intelligence! I'm Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!"
"I'm the Lunar Guardian who fights for love and passion! I'm Sailor Phobos! In the name of Phobos, I'll chastise you!"
"I'm the Lunar Guardian who fights for love and Fire! I'm Sailor Deimos! In the name of Deimos, I'll chastise you!"
Everyone shouted out their attacks.
"Mercury Aqua Mist!"
"Moon Tiara Boomerang!"
"Lunar Eclipse Tiara Boomerang!"
"Tsunami Typhoon!"
"Phobos Mandala!"
"Deimos Mandala!"
The enemies were defeated and the girls looked at each other then at other people.
"That was awesome!" Tuxedo Mask said. Shadow Mask smiled in agreement.
"Very interesting," a third voice said. Sailor Earth recognized it to be Alexandrite, the lover of Sailor Phobos.
"Thanks!" Sailor Phobos said as the guys left and the girls went to go to Usagi and Mizuki's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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