Next day at school

Naruto doesn't like that Sakura is here with Sasuke again. He can't help but dislike the matter. Everyone is gawking at both of them and different rumours are already flying in the air.

In the parking lot they are already being seen by everyone like both of them are two damn celebrities who are dating each other. How can a school accept a stranger Inside the school campus like this? Even Itachi can come inside like this school belongs to him.

"They are dating." Naruro hears a girl's voice. Taking a look, Naruto sees Hinata standing beside him. Since when she's here? Her bangs are covering her forehead and the tattoo on her neck that looks cool on her showing. Naruto thinks why is she even talking to him?

She notices Naruto's gaze. She shrugs her shoulders and says,"What? That's what people are saying." Naruto moves his eyes and tells her like it doesn't matter to him,"I don't really care." She says,"That's good. Otherwise it'll be another one suffering for a guy like him."

Naruto asks her out of nowhere,"How is Neji?" She frowns. She says,"Why are you asking?" Naruto tells her,"No reasons." After being silent for some seconds she replies,"He's doing well. Father has decided to send us abroad."

Naruto is rather surprised. He asks,"Are both of you okay with it?" Hinata replies,"Why wouldn't we? Actually I never had any problems with leaving this shitty school anyway. My brother is the one who was always against it."

Naruto didn't have any other words to utter. Hinata says,"This school gave us nothing. However, they look good together." Hinata points to Sasuke and Sakura who are being surrounded by people.

Naruto is annoyed once again. He has no right to be mad about and isn't even supposed to feel like this but he really doesn't have any control over his heart and mind. Naruto just wants to tear them apart.

Naruto says,"Why are you even saying these to me?" Hinata ignores what Naruto just says. She says,"Do you know what people are saying? They are saying...." She brings her face close to Naruto's ear and complete the sentence,"That they saw them kissing."

Naruto's eyes are wide apart. He looks at Hinata's face. Hinata is surprisingly smirking. Naruto is wondering if Hinata is just toying with him or she actually heard that rumour?

Rumours don't really come out of thin air. People must have saw something to assume such things or they really did kiss. Naruto is brainstorming over every possiblity. Naruto doesn't trust either of them.

Coming home Naruto shuts himself in Itachi's room. Naruto couldn't bring himself to go into Sasuke's room. Naruto takes his phone and calls Kakashi immediately asking him about the date of his arrival. Kakashi informed him that he'll be coming within a week.

Naruto is being paranoid once again. Naruto is afraid and everything is happening like he feared. Naruto fell in love with the same person again and the old things are happening again. Naruto won't be able to take it for the second time.

Coming home, Sasuke felt something is off. He thought Naruto didn't come home until he saw him coming out of Itachi's room. Why would he go into Itachi's room instead of Sasuke's? Sasuke didn't think of it as a big deal and decides to shrug it off.

"Did you eat something?" Sasuke asks Naruto who is quiet. Naruto replies coldly,"Yeah, I ate outside." Sasuke asks,"With whom?" Naruto replies,"With a friend." Sasuke doesn't like the cold silence. He thought the relationship between them developed even for a little.

Sasuke is trying to spice up the conversation. He's doing everything to cheer up the upset Naruto in front of him but Naruto isn't responding well. Naruto just doesn't feel like talking to the desperate boy in front of him who is trying to talk to him. He's too much afraid to get closer to him at this point.

The sound of the door of the apartment opening can be heard in the cold silence. Itachi is the one who came. He has a bag in his hand. He says,"I bought pizza." Naruto served it on the table while Itachi went to wash up.

Coming to the room Itachi notices his brother and Naruto sitting there in an awkward silence. Itachi breaks the silence by saying,"Did you fight or something? It's like cat got both of your tongues." Sasuke just rolls his eyes.

Itachi takes a seat on the chair and takes a slice of the pizza. He says to Naruto,"Do I have to stuff your face with this or you'll eat it by yourself? I can't deal with your uselessness right now." Naruto says,"Worry about yourself." Saying that he takes a slice of pizza.

Sasuke hears the heated conversation between his brother and Naruto. He realises the amount of words Naruto is spitting to his brother is much more than he was saying in front of him.

Naruto seems much more cheerful toward Itachi now than he was toward Sasuke. Naruto seemed like a dead fish awhile ago in front of Sasuke but now he looks a bit livelier. Sasuke is wondering about how Itachi is being able to make Naruto talk like that?

Sasuke was trying really hard but every time, he was being surprised with Naruto's coldness. Sasuke doesn't want to be treated like this from Naruto again. Sasuke is now jealous of his own brother for the first time.

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