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(It's been 3 weeks, the school has changed a little bit. Felix's grades have been improved a lot from before, thanks to the help of his friends).

(A car arrives in front of the school gate, a few minutes later a girl gets out of the car).

The girl: Mmmh.. this must be the school. The gates are opened... should I just go in?

The Headteacher (comes out to the gates): Good morning, you must be Sarah Rose right?

The girl: Yes. I'm Sarah.

The Headteacher: Ok. Now come with me to the assembly room, there you will be sitting an Introduction Test.

Sarah: Am I forced to take this test?

The Headteacher: Yes. Based on this test we could figure out which class you will go to, but there are some rules. If you pass you go to the highest class, If you get up to sixty you'll go on the second highest classes but if you fail... you'll be ending up on the lower classes where you'll be sitting an final test before entering the class, if you fail that test too... you'll be expelled from the school.

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