The moment Sierra came into Fenris's view, he had picked her up and in front of all other pack members' eyes, he had carried Sierra back into their home and then proceeded to march into the bedroom where he had kept her for the whole day.

That day I had realized that females find sex pleasurable too.

It made me feel gross at the beginning but then I had learnt to tune them out of my senses and focus on their baby. That's when I had learnt to deal with the baby's magical powers. I had learnt how to build a mental barrier so that the baby wouldn't enter my mind and extract my pain.

After that, managing the baby had become quite a simple task especially considering how smart the baby is for her age. She even reacts to her name being called. Whenever anyone called or even discussed about her, the baby immediately turned her head towards the said person.


Fenris's question brings me out of my thoughts and I look at him realizing that he has been looking at me questionably for more than a minute.

But before I can answer him, we are interrupted by someone. I turn around and look at Beta Cayden, Fenris's cousin. Oh, he is my cousin too.

I tend to forget that sometimes.

"Good morning Fenris, Nikita," he greets us with a small smile on his face. I nod at him as I find smiling at people other than Fenris and Sierra a bit difficult. Years of habit won't go away in such a small time, I presume.

"Morning, Cade," greets Fenris while turning to focus all his attention on his– our cousin.

"I hope you are doing great, Nikita?" asks Cayden to which I manage a small smile. Cayden grins at me while nodding but doesn't try to engage me in a conversation knowing well now that I am not used to speaking much.

I am trying to overcome this hindrance with the help from Sierra but it will take a little more time and everyone around me fortunately is understanding enough to not shun me out of their community.

"...visit us, today," finishes Cayden and I only manage to catch the final words. Looking at the conversing duo, I wait silently not really understanding if I should leave or engage in the conversation.

As if realizing my dilemma, Fenris turns to look at me, completely facing me which makes Cayden to turn towards me as well.

That's when I feel a little more awkward.

"What?" I whisper, not really able to control myself anymore. Fenris's questioning gaze bores into my head while my gaze shifts from my brother to my cousin and then back to my brother.

"Cayden here is informing that our aunt Nora might be visiting us today as she was spotted near the river Lena," begins Fenris and I immediately tense up.

Thinking of meeting another witch is like living my nightmare. I do not know if the witch that is this aunt Nora will be like Kestrel or like my mother. I know that she's mamma's sister but then even Kestrel was once mamma's friend.

In that case, whom to really trust?

After all, every traitor was once a good friend to my family.

"If you do not want to meet her, I will send her away when she comes at the pack gates."

"She can teleport anywhere," I whisper timidly, daring to say something as the thought of meeting someone who has the magic as Kestrel scares me. I do not want to ever recall that black period of my life.

"Nikita," begins Fenris and then sighs a bit before raising his hand and pulling at his hair. "Sestra, Nora is our aunt, our mother's sister. She will never, trust me when I say this, she will never hurt even a single hair on your head. Let her meet you once. I can assure you that she's desperate to meet her sister's daughter who's rumoured to be the exact replica of her mother," says Fenris, his eyes portraying his scattered emotions.

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