Part 5

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After a few days of just getting some rest in bed and getting plenty to eat and drink, Randall felt his strength returning. Soon, the doctor insisted on seeing him walk.

Randall was glad to get out of the bed and have his feet uncuffed, but then his wrists had to be cuffed again. They were put on gently to not agitate the wounds on them.

He was allowed to walk around the room and a little out in the hall. He was still a little unbalanced on his feet, but he was gaining it back.

He hated having to wear cuffs every minute of the day. And even when his wrists had wounds on them. They still stung from having pressure on them. But everyone in the building who was from the staff seemed to be aware of Randall's abilities.

After that trial run of walking again, the doctor said a couple more days should do him good before he was released from the infirmary.

Randall would be glad to get out, but then he was worried about what would happen once he was out again. Would the blue one and his comrades treat him so badly again?

The next day while he was awaiting his food, there was a nurse in there just checking his vitals when he brought it up.

"Ma'am, are you aware of some of the therapy programs here?" Randall asked.

"Yes. Many of them." She replied.

"Is rape one of them?"

She looked over at him in shock. "No, rape is not therapy here."

"I was raped several times when I first arrived here. The blue boss insisted on it."

This had the nurse concerned. She left.

Randall was left alone, but not for long. The nurse and the doctor returned.

"I need to take a look at you." He said.

The blankets were pulled down and Randall was sure he knew what he wanted to look at.

The doctor saw some injuries close to the cloaca, but inside, mostly everything was fine and there was no signs of semen. But there were some signs of bruising too.

"I had lots of semen in me. It was many days ago this all happened. That's why it doesn't appear to be there now." Randall said.

"Let me know if it happens again."

"Yes, I will."

Randall was disappointed that it hadn't been found in time, but was glad he could report it.

Two days later, he was discharged from the infirmary and back to his own room. He could walk again and could hold things. But it wasn't long before something happened.

Randall was allowed to stay in his room for the day and get more rest, but that night, the door was unlocked in the middle of the night while he was asleep and then, out of nowhere, Randall found himself struggling to breathe when his throat had been grabbed.

His hands struggled against the ones constricting his neck.

"Don't you ever mention that word 'rape' to anyone ever again, you hear me?!" The big yellow monster growled in his ear.

Randall gulped and nodded.

"Or I will see to it that does happen again or worse."

Randall knew asylums were for the mentally ill ones and maniacs. To him, the staff seemed more like those sick individuals than he did. He didn't need their 'therapy.' Nothing here was helping him anyway. He knew he needed to get away from here.

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