And as a child, I had a lot.

 I still have scars all over my back and the only person who didn't hate them was Freya, my ex-wife. She was the only person who had truly embraced every inch of me. She made me feel ok to stand there in front of her without being ashamed. But I doubt I'll ever be able to do that again.

Not that I ever want that again. 

Flashback :

"I could have died Christian!" She yelled at me before pushing me against the wall.

"You and your stupid Mafia. That's all you ever care about! You don't care about me! I can't remember the last time me and you had dinner in the same room!" I couldn't even say anything because she was right.

Running a Mafia was hard as fuck. I felt bad. I can't always be around for her and Julian and I hate myself for that.

"I'm sor-."

"Sorry? Christian! This isn't something to be sorry about. I could have died today!" She didn't say much more. She packed a small bag quickly, leaving our house.

I let her have her space while I tried to protect Julian to the best of my ability. I had a crib installed in my warehouse office where I had him stay while I worked and waited for Freya to come back home.

But she never did.

I came home one day with my son in my arms seeing a letter on the kitchen counter. With the letter was a key to our house and a box filled with some of the things she had of mine and things I got her.

She explained how she couldn't be an a unsafe relationship anymore and she was moving on. I was forced upon the custody of Julian and with the letter was a Divorce paper.

I was in shocked but I was forced to understand. I couldn't be sad because of my son.

I had to be strong for him. But sometimes even a man has his bad days.

It went on for weeks. His cries echoed in the house until I had enough courage to move him in.

I took all his things and put them into my bedroom. I finally had the courage to get rid of all of Freya's things and put them into the extra closet in my room. She didn't take anything I had bought her. And everything that I got her that was at her house, she had sent back in that box. 

She wanted nothing to do with me. So the closet that I had for extra storage is where I put all her things. Dresses coordinated by colour, skirts, tops and whatever put nicely so if I ever walked in, it wouldn't annoy me. 

I put everything perfectly hoping one day, she would see how much I tried to give her a safe life.

Weeks turned into months, and eventually into years. Not once did she bother coming by to even see how he or I were doing. Instead, she had moved on completely. And even had another child. 

I tried not to be like my father. But at times I caught myself falling right into his tracks, yelling at Julian even when the mistake was as small as dropping his food.

I made sure he was home schooled. I didn't need him having any friends. I know it was wrong but many people have betrayed me and I couldn't let that happen to my son.

He deserve to go to school, make friends, trade by terribly made lunches with his friends. But I can't. I can't have him unprotected out like that. He's only in Sr, Kindergarten so if I find it safe, I might change my mind in the future.  

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