The meeting

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It started out like any normal day for the shy young dragon slayer, 

Hope was patrolling the waters of her small territory watching for dangers to her small friends the fish who had watched over her for so long. Suddenly she felt a violent disturbance from the surface of the water and heard the cry's of outrage from the fish near the surface in the area. Outrage that someone was trying to harm the gentle soul that would sit and watch the waves for hours on end. Rushing to the scene Hope erupted from the water magic at the ready asking in a deadly calm voice 

"who dares make such a disturbance in my territory? Do you wish to be shark food? Leave now." 

The two men who were trying to dump a man with green hair into the sea quickly chucked the unconscious man overboard before speeding away. Without a second glance Hope dove after the man grabbing him  by his bright red coat and hauling him into her harm, and swimming to her small  cave home to get him dried off and treat any injuries. Resurfacing Hope got a whiff of his scent for the first time and came to the realization that this man is her mate. Suddenly much more frantic to make sure the beautiful man was okay she quickly called on the water to help her heal his injuries and clean his clothes.  Once hope was sure that her mate was no longer in any danger she removed his shoes, coat and the sword from his hip, before brushing out his long stunning green hair. Knowing her mate was going to be out for a while Hope decided to mend his coat and sword with the goal of gaining her mates approval. Being extra attentive to her mates things she made sure that the coat was in perfect condition carefully stitching up the small holes from long term wear and tear. She then moved onto the care of the magnificent blade, hope observed that there were a few small chips to the blade and the grip was coming undone so carefully she brought it into her small fireroom where she forged her own weapons and began the process of repairing and sharpening the blade, witch went fairly quickly with the use of her magic. Once satisfied with her work Hope returned both items to her mate and curled up in a corner of the room with her smallest blanket having given her mate the good only warm one she owned, and allowed herself to fall into a restless sleep fearing the possibility of being rejected by her mate for her freakishly strong magic. 

Slowly waking up Freed noticed he was uncommonly comfortable, warm no stiff fabric of his coat or stiff feeling of his beloved blade at his side. Springing up Freed frantically began looking for the two items. Finding them set neatly besides him Freed was stunned to note that his favorite coat looked almost brand new, and his sword no longer looked tarnished, on closer  inspection he found that all the little nicks to the blade from the years of use were now repaired and his trusty sword was now in perfect condition even the grip was repaired. Now assured that his items were okay Freed began observing his surroundings. He found that he was in a cave that had been decorated as some ones home, it was actually quite homey and warm. Hearing a whimper Freed spun around drawing his blade ready to battle, but instead of a threat he found the most stunning human he had ever laid eyes on curled up in a corner on the floor with nothing but a thing ratty blanket to keep her warm. His mossy green eyes softened at the sight of her stunning brown fading to blue hair cascading around her shoulders and delicate face. Instantly he knew that not only had this beautiful woman saved him, but she was his soul mate the person he has trained day and night his whole life to love and protect. Hearing her whimper again Freed snapped into action striding to her side and softly lifting her into his arms and caring her to the bed sitting down with her in his arms as he tried to calm her, 

"shh love all is well I am here now on one can hurt you. It's time to wake up now lovely I'd love to see your eyes. shh" 

Slowly hope opened her stunning ocean colored eyes and tried jerking away from freed in fear, while he simply held her closer crooning

An ocean Dragons mate (fairy tail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now