Chapter Four - Irwin-Septiceye

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Anti's Pov

I heard Irwin crying in his crib and I got up and I picked up Irwin and Irwin was crying very loudly and I bounce him lightly and I hush him and I hum a soft lullaby to him that bing taught me. Irwin fell asleep almost immediately after hearing the lullaby. I put irwin back and I put his paci in his mouth and I head back to bed and bing cuddles into me while I couldnt sleep so I pulled out my phone and I put my headphones in and I watch youtube and I see Jack's channel and how he hadn't posted in 5 years. Serves him right. He didn't deserve to post or make videos after trying to kill me. I made sure of it. Once it was six in the morning bing woke up and I was asleep and I kept sleeping for a while. I didnt know what I could do since YouTube got boring and so I fell asleep to some calming music. I heard Irwin start fussing and I get up after waking up and I go to him and I see he was being fussy about getting changed and I pick Irwin up and I changed him very quickly and I hand him to bing. "I have to be at the hospital sunflower, I'll be back very soon." I smile and I look at bing. "Okay be careful angel." I smile more and blush. "I will, I promise."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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