Lomy and Andy fight therapy

Start from the beginning

Andy stared at him for a long moment before he scoffed. "You don't even want to fucking go!" He pointed out.

"What do you mean? I never said that!" Lonny defended, folding his arms across his chest. The older man was right, he didn't want to go, but how would he know that?

"You literally just said that you have to go, not that you want to!" Andy said with an eyeroll. Lonny wore his heart on his sleeve, he couldn't hide how he actually felt about the situation.

"Ok and? I don't see how that's any of your business!" The guitarist said, stepping around him to walk back into the living room. He was sure the older man had good intentions, but in that moment it was doing nothing but irritating him.

Andy followed him. "Well excuse me for not wanting you to go somewhere you clearly don't even want to go! Now I'll have to deal with your miserable ass from now until that fucking wedding!"

"Oh my God! It's not a big deal! Maybe I'll hit it off with her, you don't know, I need to hit it off with someone!" Lonny exclaimed, spinning around to glare daggers at the model.

"Oh really? Since when do you fucking care? You haven't been on a single fucking date since you moved here, but suddenly you're willing to go to a fucking stranger's wedding to get laid?" Andy growled back, he didn't know why he cared so much... ok that was a lie, he did, he just didn't want to admit it.

"Fuck you! Am I not allowed to try and meet someone?!" The guitarist huffed out in anger.

"That's not what I said! I just want to know why you're going on a date with someone you don't even want to go out with?" Andy said, raising his voice slightly, but not yelling, he would never yell at the younger man.

"WELL MAYBE I NEED TO MEET SOMEONE SO I CAN GET THE FUCK OVER YOU AND OLIVIA!" Lonny shouted, all of the frustration from damn near months of pining had finally bubbled to the surface.

Andy's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

'No fucking way.' There was no way he just said what the model thinks he said, he had to have heard him wrong.

All color drained from Lonny's face as he realized what he had just said. "I- I-" He tried desperately to think of something, but instead opted to spin around and walk out of the apartment quickly.

"Lonny, wait!" Andy called once he regained his ability to speak, but it was too late, the younger man was gone. Fuck.

'Should I go after him?' He thought to himself, but his legs were frozen in place, what the hell was he supposed to say to him when he caught up with him?

He glanced at the clock on the stove and sighed, he needed to get ready for his therapy session.


"Aww! Whose a good baby! You're a good baby and you're so smart and pretty!" CC cooed at the pitbull who was vibrating with excitement as he walked over to her cage.

He opened the door and slipped inside, sitting on the concrete floor as the dog climbed into his lap and started licking at his face.

CC laughed and rubbed her side affectionately. "You're such a sweetie!"

"She looks sweet." Lonny commented, making the older man jump in surprise.

"Lonny? What are you doing, buddy?" CC asked, while he was happy to see his friend, he could tell something was wrong.

"So...if worse comes to worse, can I move in with you?" The guitarist asked softly as he sat down on the ground next to the kennel door.

"What? Hold on, hold on, back up! What happened?" CC asked in utter confusion.

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