"So," Sam looked at you with a smirk, "How was your night away with your favorite god?"

"Just peachy, thanks," you said, popping another chip in your mouth, "Asgard is stunning."

"You sure that was the only thing you were stunned by?" Sam teased, "I mean, I know Steve was here and all, so it's ok if you found someone else while away."

"Not this again Sam," Steve begged, holding back a smile.

"Loki was fine," you told Sam, "He didn't kill me, so that's a plus."

"Come on, details," Nat pleaded, "I want to know exactly how much I have to beat Loki up for. A few tales of Asgard might be nice too. We've only heard a little from Clint."

"It's amazing right?" you asked Clint, "Can't believe we got to see it."

He looked reluctant to agree, given his hatred of Loki, but he couldn't help but nod.

"The view wasn't too bad I suppose."

Wanda groaned, "You can see why we're eager for another opinion."

"So, start from the beginning and leave nothing out," Nat said.

"Yes, nothing," Tony stated, giving you his dad look.

"From when Clint left or when I got beamed up?"

"You never actually told me how you ended up in the palace with Loki, so from the beginning," Clint said.

So, you filled them in on everything, describing Asgard and its beauty to the best of your ability. You explained how you got pushed back into the palace grounds and found the garden.

"So, I went off trail, through the branches of a huge tree and into thick plants. I was hoping to reach the wall of the castle and hunker down there for a while. But when I got there, there was a balcony jutting out from the wall. Mind you, I climbed through thicket to get there, so this balcony being here made no sense." You described the view and how lovely it was, before having to get to when Loki showed up.

"I heard someone coming through the branches behind me, so I hid. And, as my typical luck would have it, the balcony happened to be Loki's secret little hideout."

"If only there was a way for you to have known that," Tony said sarcastically, "Like a movie or something that tells you all about Loki."

"I didn't know about the balcony," you said, "The majority of personal things like that aren't in the movies."

"Knowing who has kissed who and who likes who isn't considered personal?" Rhodey asked.

"Ok, fair, but we're getting off topic. Anyway, Loki came through not knowing I was there, but it didn't take him long to realize he was being watched. He took me to a cell where I explained everything. He didn't believe me either, so I let him look into my mind to see what I've seen."

"I'm sorry, you did what?" Tony shrieked, and the others were looking concerned as well.

"Um, Loki can make someone relive memories, and he can witness them too. He does it to Valkyrie in Ragnarok, so I offered that he do it to me to clear up the situation quicker."

"You willingly let that man in your head?" Clint snapped.

"He could have done it by force anyways, would that really have been better? Besides, it's not a dangerous process. I showed him what I wanted to show him, and he then believed me, so I say I made the right choice."

"We're talking about this later," Tony warned, "But continue. What did he do next?"

"Well, he left for a while, I guess to process what I'd shown him. When he came back he led me to the throne room, where we were to wait for Heimdall. Two hours or so later, Clint and Heimdall showed up."

Loki x Reader: Into the MCUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें