Lazy smiles and schemes. (1)

Start from the beginning

"It's not tesco, love." Effie turned on her heel, golden hoop earring jangling as she did, "Sainsburys pays better. When that business your daddy has goes to shit, you'd best remember that."

William snorted, "Oh, fuck off." Raycroft law had existed since 1824 and it would continue to exist no matter what, but, honestly, what annoyed William was not Efia's nasty comment but rather how he couldn't take his eyes off her arse in those tight jeans as she walked away. He shook his head; attraction was a normal part of human life. It didn't mean you had to act on it.


At around 6pm, later that day, William was sat in the law common room with his little sister, Hannah. He couldn't be bothered to go study, he was too demoralised. There was only so many times he could handle losing to Efia, it truly drained him every time. His head was in his hands as his little sister looked at him like he'd grown three heads.

"No way you're still pissed over a scoreboard." Hannah never placed highly, so she didn't care. William rolled his eyes, the fact that she wasn't out already partying  was a November miracle; she was the epitome of a rich girl. Raised in Chelsea, blonde highlights in her naturally brown hair and her  co-ordinated everyday outfits were the peak of her life goals-- she wasn't going to be the CEO of Raycroft because she could just live off their father's money forever.

William knew he could do that, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to be like every other rich boy, like the ones at his stupid golfclub; he wanted to be useful.

"I'm not pissed; I'm thinking. Do you think it's possible to cheat in the major exam hall? The one used for law exams last month?" There was no other explanation for Efia outdoing him constantly. She never really studied, she was the chattiest girl in the world, always giggling or talking, or running around with her friends like they were in primary school. Fuck, last week he walked past the field and saw Efia, Gracie, and Xiaoting playing tag. Tag! Ridiculous.

"Ugh, William," Hannah put down her phone, pausing the heated chat she was having with her no good two timing boyfriend William already swore to kill if he ever saw him again, "She didn't cheat and you know it. She's just smarter than you. Get over it. It's not like she's richer than you too. You could literally just pay her to drop out or something."

"You're fucking brainless, you know that?" William scowled at his little sister, flabbergasted that she had even suggested paying off his academic rival; where was the fun in that? Using money for everything? It made him a little worried though; how many people had Hannah paid off for random stuff?

"You're the one that asked me! Just go and ask her for her revision material, if she's as ditzy as you say she is she'll share it." Hannah resumed texting the boyfriend everyone in her family hated whilst William flushed red; yes, the heater was turned up far too high, but that wasn't the real reason he was so mad--he was mad at himself for lying about Efia. She was not ditzy by any means. Far from it obviously.

But, his sister had given him an idea. Kind of.

He could just...convince Efia to study with him, and when he had sufficient proof of her eternal state of tomfoolery, he could go complain to the headmaster; "this girl never works, sir! She must be cheating somehow!" Even if she wasn't, such an investigation would ruffle her little feathers hard enough to get her afraid. Afraid to keep trying her luck with him.

It was just his luck when said Efia walked in the room, drinking a monster energy whilst her michael kors bag hung on her shoulder. Efia and Hannah exchanged a polite "hey girl" as Efia purposefully bumped her hip into the part of the sofa William's head was nearest, shaking him slightly.

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