Leia nods and pulls the ship upwards a little. She takes a deep breath as the side doors close as they climb up. She presses a few more keys.

Leia: Alright. You got less than an hour. We are overhead of the Citadel in 5 minutes. Putting her on auto. She'll keep sending out our signal. But the second she's out-

Violet: They come knocking.

May: So what are we waiting for? Not the first infiltration op.

Ember: Alright then. Let's get cracking lads and ladies.

Ember smirked and pulled out his knives. May smiled at him and nodded with him returning the nod.

Eadwulf: Let's not get too cocky. We have no idea what is even in that tower or the defenses. All the intel we have is from Elsa who still won't tell us her sources.

Violet: It's best we don't worry about it. We move in on the vector and-

Alarms went off as the ship banked to the side. Some of the group slid back and landed against the sides of the ship as it turned around.

Violet: What the what is happening?!

Leia: Grimm! They know!

Leia banks the ship as a Nevermore shot past the bullhead. It screeched as a flock of flying Beringels emerged from the clouds. Llew glared forward and opened fire as Leia spun the ship around, moving down towards the flock, barely dodging them. Leia banked the ship a little more, diving down as Llew continued to shoot at the Grimm coming towards them.

Leia: Get emergency contact to the fleet! Let them know the mission is scrubbed!

Violet: We don't take out this cannons then the entire war is scrubbed!!

Leia: Alright fine then!

Leia increased the ship's speed, diving down towards the clouds. The alarms went off as sensors picked up materials moving in from behind. Leia banked as feathers from the Nevemore shot forward.

Leia: Guys!

The sides of the ship open and May and Ember opened fire behind the ship. As they shot, a Beringel slammed down onto the wing of the ship and roared towards them. Violet ran up and electrocuted the beast, getting it to scream and fall off of the wing.

Leia: Violet! Overload our systems! We're going to need more engine thrust!

Violet: On it!

Violet ran up to the cockpit and used a low amount of her power onto the main consoles to charge them. Meanwhile, Ing sits down and pulls out his scroll along his wrist.

Ing: This is Ing Pugno. We have engaged hostile forces! They know about the attack! I repeat! Onyx knows!

Leia banks again as the ship comes out of the cloud cover. Her eyes widen a little as they descend down towards Fort Frollo. Bullets hit the ship. Leia moves the ship a little more as Llew fires down towards the Fort, blasting away at some of the tower.

Leia: They have snipers on us!

The other door opens and Eadwulf looks down. He growls a little and glances over to Ing and Ember.

Eadwulf: Want me to go all out?

Ember glances to him and shakes his head.

Ember: We need you up here! Better to stay together!

Eadwulf: The cannons!

Ember: We'll have to give it to SSMR and WIOW. We don't have time or surprise anymore!

Team FLME Volume 9Where stories live. Discover now