Chapter 2

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"I can't l believe that you and Zayn have been dating for 2 months already"Lottie said with a smiled. "I know"I said excitingly. Me and Lottie were at the place where the boys will be doing the concert because they still had to rehears. Lottie had to go talk to Louis about tonight so when I was on my phone someone grabbed me on the waist lifted me up. "I just couldn't help that you were more focused on your phone and Lottie than me"he said while blushing. When I was about to say something he brought me closer and kissed me passionately. "Zayn, why don't you save the lovey stuff for after the concert so we can rehersae"Harry said jokingly. "Oh yeah your right, I'll be right there"he said still staring at me. "Your going to be here for the concert with Lottie right??"he asked nervously. "Yes! don't worry, and don't you have some rehearsing to do"I asked jokingly while smiling,still staring at him. As soon as you said that Zayn quickly kissed you on the forehead and ran up to the stage where the rest of the guys were. As Lottie walked back to where I was, still staring at Zayn, she said "Wow y/n, he really really likes you, I think there might be a chance you to were ment for eachother. Well go tell Zayn we are going shopping and that we will be back in time for the show". As I walked up to the stage, I could hear the boys whispering something about me, nothing mean but just something. As soon as Zayn spotted me he jumped down and asked "Yes babe". "I just wanted to let you know that me and Lottie are going out shopping and we will be back in time for the show and I promise you that"you said smiling. "Ok well have fun ad I will see you at the concert"he said while staring at me. He gave me a big huge and a soft kiss on the lips before he returned back onto the stage with the rest of the boys. When me and Lottie got to the mall I told her that I heard the guys whispering about me but nothing mean and I asked her what it could be. "Sorry y/n, if I knew I would tell you but I don't"she said as we pulled up in the malls parking lot. As we walked into the store we saw a whole section full of one direction things. As we walked over, the people who were standing there turned around and ran right toward us. "Can we have your autograph?? Can we have anopheles with you?? Are you really Louis Tomlinson's sister??"all the fans/directioners asked. After all that was over, Lottie and I went shopping for clothes,shoes,make-up and a lot more. As we were walking back out to Lottie's car, 2 girls cam up to me and asked "Your Zayn's girlfriend right?". "Yeah?". "Well you better not break his heart, if you do I will hurt you" they said and walked away. I could not believe what those so call 'directioners' just said to me. As I kept thinking about it, I birders into tears. "Y/n, don't cry ok you know that most of the directioners love that you and Zayn are together, the reason why they would hate you is because either they are jealous or to overly fanning over him"she said nicely. When we arrived at the concert, the same 2 girls were there and they gave me horrible glances. As I walked backstage I went up to Liam and asked where Zayn was. "Oh he's in the bathroom still doing his hair"he said while laughing. As I walked into the bathroom I saw Zayn standing there still doing his hair. "Omg babe, what's wrong, did something happen, who hurt you". When I looked in the mirror I didn't know I was still crying so I just told him what happened. Zayn pulled me in close, gave me a hug and kisse me passionately right before Niall barged in. "Oh sorry to interrupt Zayn, but we have a concert to do like right now"Niall yelled. Before Zayn walked out he said to me "Don't worry, everything will be fine babe, now I'll see you in the front row with Lottie and backstage after the concert and we can pick up what we were doing after the concert", then he left the bathroom. As I walked back to the front row with Lottie, the boys were singing "Last First Kiss". After "Over Agian", "Stand Up" and "Na Na Na", Zayn had something to say "I know that maybe some of you know my girlfriend y/n *then he brought you up stage* and I know that some of you don't like us being together but if you live me or the rest if the band, can you please just respect that I'm in a prefect relationship with somebody I love and care about". After he was done, he sat me down on a still in the middle of the stage and the boys sung "Little Things". "Thank you for your support and thank you all for being here tonight, we love you and goodnight"Louis and Harry said befor they walked off the stage. A me and Zayn were sitting in the break room he leaned over and kisse me on the cheek and that's what started our quick make out session. When the other boys came in and saw us sleeping together, they turned the lights off and closed the door:-).

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