Dash headcanons.

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(y/n): Your name)

(f/f): Favorite food.)


 • When you first met him, Dash was 10 and you were 10. (If I may add how, you met is rather strange) "Your Late (y/n)!" My mom said packing my bag for me while I was eating breakfast. She grabbed my (f/f) and put it on the counter, she pushed me in front of the door, put my backpack in my hands, and spoke. "GET IN THE CAR!" she yelled.You were walking to the car and saw a blonde-haired boy that looked your age, you waved, and he waved back. Then his mom came out and pushed him in the car, and then your mom pushed you in the car. (let's say the way to school you had a lecture on not being late again)

• You guys never really talked at all through school, but when you and dash had a project to do together in high school. He started having feelings for you. "H-Hey (y/n) I like your sweater" he says with a smirk. "Uh thanks?" You said confused. Normally Dash could make girls melt and scream or simp for him, for is awesome flirts, but for you it's different, he just can't speak to you without stuttering, or getting sweaty. He doesn't want to simp for you he's seriously a hero.

• The way you giggle, or your smile, and your body and hair. Oof he can't handle you.

•This boy will go out of every one's way and stalk you, with his power of course. He would run to every spot where you can't see him. One time he saw you in a swimsuit at your house, in the pool of course. Oof. Oof. Oof Oof. and a Oof- *gasp* You got out of the pool, your body, in the swimsuit. The next day he red faced.

• But when you do get together! He's so nice, still a flirt though. ;) You on his bed with his shirt on with short short's. He will cuddle you, kiss you, and you sleep on his chest. 

•If you spend the night at his house. You. will. wake. up. with. someone. kissing. your. neck. Yes i did say someone kissing your neck! o-o "D-Dash!" "Shhhh" "It's 3:45! AM!" "Heh I know ;)". 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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