CH15: "Trust"

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*Yo I don't know about title anymore. ..Picture is very true for me. Trust make people more sad and worse. Anyways Enjoy :)

After they disappear...

Tubbo hit a tree.


Tubbo fall to the ground and starts cry.

Tubbo: If-If I didn't exile tommy....Tommy is not there....

Fundy: Eret...

Techno: Let's go back.

Everyone nods and go back...

After they arrive...

Everyone doesn't talk at all.

Everyone look down..

Phil: Wilbur...

He mutter silently.

Tubbo stand up and looks at everyone.

Tubbo: We-From now we will search for Rebellions and-and if you find them...KILL them.

Fundy: What?! Tubbo?!

Tubbo: ...

Tubbo didn't answer.

Tubbo: Don't trust them even they are your friends or family. They are VILLAINS.

Sam: Got it.

Fundy: WHAT?!

Tubbo: Sam, Karl, Foolish. You will search for Quackity.
               Me, Ranboo, Techno, Philza. We will search for Tommy and Wilbur.
               Sapnap, George, Bad. You will search for Dream.
               Fundy, Skeppy and others will search for Eret.

Only sam nods.

Tubbo: Now GO!

Tubbo shout out ant walks away.

Sam looks at everyone.

Sam: He-Please somebody stay with him...Let's go guys.

Karl, Foolish and Sam walks away.

Ranboo walk toward tubbo.

Tubbo: ....Oh hey Ranboo.

Ranboo: Are you okay tubbo?

Tubbo: Of course. Of course I'm fine.

Ranboo hugs Tubbo.

Ranboo: Good job tubbo.

Tubbo: ...Thank you...

Tubbo thinks: I trust you....Ranboo.....


Dream: "Trust" Its makes people worse and more sad. Do NOT trust anyone :)

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