CH6: Who are they?

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Tubbo: Who is rebellions member? 

Sam: I don't know. ....Tubbo?

Tubbo: Yes?

Fundy: I think-We should talk with technoblade...

Tubbo stand up suddenly.

Tubbo: Why?!

Fundy: I heard they are strongest team! If we have technoblade then things is little...

Tubbo: ....You think?

Eret: Yeah. You-We should talk with him.

Tubbo signed.

Tubbo: ....Do you think he knows who they are?

Fundy: He is smartest guy.

Tubbo: ....Let's visit him.

After they go to techno's house.

Tubbo: Technoblade.

Techno: What are you doing here?

Eret: We want you to ask one thing.

Techno: What is it?

Eret: Do you know about "Rebellions"

Techno: I don't know but dream said he made group.

Tubbo: So it must be their leader is dream.

Techno: And if you stop try to kill or whatever doing to me and others, i will help you.

Tubbo: Really?

Techno: Don't come close. Only this time.

Tubbo: Why will you help us?

Techno: They are gonna try to kill me.

Tubbo: ...Okay. 

Techno smile.

Techno: Here.

Tubbo: What is it?

Techno: We found this paper yesterday.

Tubbo: "We are rebellions. No one can't stop us."?

Techno: Yeah.

Ranboo: So is it from them?

Techno: I think so.

Tubbo: Well thank you for helping us. See you later.

Techno: See you later.

Tubbo thinks: Who are they? What are they try to do?

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