Kitchen - Girl pov

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I woke up at 02:49. My stomach was growling, I sighed and tried to sit up but something held me back. I looked down at Liam's hand wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to him. I let out a little giggle from how cute he looked. His oak colored hair was in a mess on top of his head and his mouth was slightly open. He snored softly. I tried to move out of his grip but failed once again.

"Liam," I whispered in his ear. His snoring stopped briefly before it started again. I sighed and pushed at his chest to wake him up.

"What's wrong, honey?" His morning voice was crazy attractive.

"Let me go," I whispered.

"No," he groaned and buried his face in my chest.

"C'mon," I was starting to grow impatient. He groaned again before he loosened his arm and turned around. I stood up but tried not to wake up too much since the time was only 02:57 and I wanted to sleep more. I stepped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. The bright white light burned my eyes. Suddenly I saw a movement behind me.

I turned around, too late. He slapped my butt, he knew that I hated when he did that. He wore a baby blue hoodie with the hood up. I sighed as he walked past me to the sink. "Hungry?" his voice was still very low. He opened one of the cabinet doors and got a glass.

"Yes but we have nothing to eat," I said in a sleepy voice in a pathetic attempt to remain tired. I closed the refrigerator without taking anything out. He filled the glass with water and took a big gulp.

"You woke me up from my good dream," he told me and put down the glass on the kitchen island.

"Tell me what it was about," I encouraged him. His eyes lit up and he took two quick steps toward me. His strong hands wrapped around my waist. I grabbed his hands out of shock.

"What are you doing?" I shreaked. He lifted me up so that I sat on the counter.

"Showing you what my dream was about," he had a wide smile on his face. I took a deep breath before nodding to him. Liam pulled down my pajama pants along with my boxer panties. It was a little cold to sit on the marble counter without pants but not unbearable. I felt a little nervous, usually Liam would tell me what he would do to me but now he was painfully quiet.

His brown deep eyes locked with mine. I was too nervous and needed some kind of distraction. I grabbed his neck and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He leaned into me and kissed me, hard.

Without notice he pulled my legs apart and pushed two fingers into me. I pulled my head away from him and a loud moan filled the room.

"Good girl," he kissed my temple. Another moan traveled up my throat. We never used to do these things so his fantasies surprised me. I pressed my hand against his chest and could feel his pounding heart going in a steady rhythm. He pumped his fingers in and out of me one time. It was really nice but it irritated me when he didn't do it again.

"Do it again," I stared into his eyes and wondered if I had any shame in my body. He smirked and pumped one more time, I curled my toes from the pleasure. My other hand traveled inside his hood and pulled in down. His beautiful curly hair was a little frizzy. I grabbed onto it and pulled at the roots.

"Tell me if it gets too much to handle." I nodded and looked down at his hand. His fingers had some kind of white gue on them. I watched his fingers rest inside of me before I noticed that another one of his fingers was moving. My eyes traveled up again and I stared into his soul. I saw a little worry in his eyes and I realised that it must be from how I looked at him.

"This is so good," I assured him. Another soft smile played on his lips. The overwhelming pleasure when he inserted another finger was over the top. I screamed in pleasure when he started pumping them again. I was so close. I grabbed his hair with both my hands and screeched when he finished me.


"How was that, my love?" He asked as he washed his hands in the sink. My legs were shaking and I could not speak. He chuckled and turned the water off. He walked over to me and stared at my legs and the wet counter. My face flushed when I remembered the last few minutes.

He seemed to understand that I was in no shape to walk, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bedroom. He put me down on the covers and kissed my cheek. I got confused when he stood up again and started to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I was already missing him.

"I am going to clean up the mess that you made on the counter." My cheeks burned from the embarrassment. He chuckled when he saw my vermilion face.

I can tell you that I didn't sleep much more that night.

A/N: This "chapter" was shorter than the one before, let me know what you thought of it. I am thinking of writing this from Liam's point of view but what do you think? Is it a good idea or would it be boring to read?

Have a good day <3

My smut to help me write (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora