Warming up - Girl pov

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I stepped into the apartment and started to pull my mittens off. Jake shaked his head and clumps of snow fell down on the welcome mat. I turned around and faced him. I gave him an annoyed look.

"What?" He gave me a crooked smile.

"Could you not have done that outside?" I laughed.

"Do what?" He turned and closed the door and the bell on it clinged a little.

"You are getting snow in the whole hall." I pulled my beanie off and my hair made a sparkling sound. Jake turned back to me and immediately started to laugh.

"Your hair," he bent over so he was folded dubble. I took a step to my left to see what he was talking about. The mirror beside the door showed a crazy woman. My long brown hair was in an aura around my head. I also started to laugh my ass off from my look.

"You are so goddamn cute," he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the welcome mat again.

"Thanks," I rolled my eyes. He took off his jacket and I did the same. I leaned down and started to untie my boots. I felt a soft hand on my butt. I bit my lip as I continued to try to get my boot off. He started to gently stroke me through my jeans.

I stood up again, "you won't ever get your jacket off if you keep doing that." He smirked.

"Do you want to take it off?" This was how you could detect when Jake was horny, he stopped being a gentleman.

"No," I pushed him gently on his torso. He mumbled something before unzipping his jacket. I finally removed my shoes and took careful steps into the living room. Jake continued to undress but I could hear that he did it faster than before.

"Hello, Nyx." My voice sounded like the voice you use to talk to toddlers. Nyx turned on his back before he stared at me. I took a step closer to him and started to pet his head.

He started to purr and a giggle escaped my mouth. I felt strong hands wrap around my stomach and he pressed his body to my back. I leaned back to kiss him. Our lips pressed together, he tasted like hot chocolate.

I pulled away, "I need to shower." He sighed but didn't let me go.

"You can shower after," he pecked me.

"After what?" I wanted to hear him say it.

"After I fucked you blind." He was really starting to lose patience.

I pretended to think about it for a moment, "no". He stared into my eyes for a long moment.

"Why do you need to shower?" I figured I could play along.

"Because I am freezing, It was like negative four degrees outside and we were out there for 13 hours." Jake had a big photo shoot for some kind of magazine and the cameraman kept getting out more clothes.

"I can warm you up," he kissed me again.

"I don't know, how fast would I get warm?" I tried to get as much out of the deal as possible.

"In the blink of an eye," he started to walk backwards, still holding me.

"If this warming technique is cuddling then I am in." I tried to get him frustrated.

"It can," he shrugged.

"I'm in," I turned around, still in his hands and started to kiss him. We kept moving towards the bedroom as I kissed down his neck. He let out a moan before we fell on the soft sheets on the bed. We started full on making out and his hands explored my back outside of my shirt. I opened my legs and leaned up on him. Our lips separated but not for long. His quick hands pulled my thick wool sweater over my head. Before I could even see again his lips were on my neck. His hot lips left a trail on my ice cold skin.

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