[2] - people and school, yay

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Akari stopped just outside the school gates and stared at the students bustling around and talking among themselves. She could imagine the bell ringing, the shoe locker doors slamming shut, the buzz among the students who were excited to speak about their favourite tv show or new clothes that they bought. Then a wave of anxiety hit her in the storm of a school. She gripped her skirt and almost tore it to pieces as she took a deep breath in order to calm herself down. 

She walked inside the school and made her way to the shoe lockers where the students where talking as they changed their shoes. Akari brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and changed her shoes. She shut the shoe locker door when she felt a few people stare at her. She gulped nervously and attempted to find her classroom: she was in 2-1 but had no idea where it was. Now a normal person would simply ask where their class was, but not Akari. This special child decided to find it herself and avoid talking to anyone. 

After walking up multiple flights of stairs and down many corridors, she leant against the wall and slid to the floor. Many people stared at her weirdly as they bustled to class, the bell must've rang at some point. After a few minutes she realised that she was given a paper that told her where everything was. Her golden eyes flew open as she rummaged in her bag and pulled out the sacred paper with pride. She found her class on the paper - third floor on the left side. 

The door of class 2-1 slid open and there stood the new girl. She blushed in embarrassment while everyone was staring at her but made her way over to the teacher. She bowed in apology and stood back up.

"everyone, this is your new classmate. be nice and treat her with respect." the teacher told the class. 

Akari made her way over to the seat that was available which was at the front and in the middle - a perfect place for the girl as now everyone was able to stare at her from behind. She pulled out her textbook and went to the subject the teacher was explaining. Akari payed very close attention to the board and copied down everything she saw in her notebook so that she could go over the subject again at home. 


Joining a new school in the middle of the second year is the worst time to join. Everyone already has their friend groups and don't have any intention of changing them. Akari knew this and thought about that as she ate her lunch in the classroom. Here it was quiet and there were no people to try and talk to her - just the way she likes it. Don't get her wrong, she does wish she had some friends but she knows that it's too difficult and too late for that. 

She packed away her lunch and slid open the classroom door to venture out into the world and find a bathroom. As she was walking, she bumped head first into a person and fell on the floor.

"sorry, here let me help you." 

A hand was held out in front of Akari so she took it and hoisted herself onto her two feet. She then bowed in apology and was about to walk away when he started talking. 

"oh no, it's fine. i should've watched where i was going. i'm Kunimi, you're new here right?"

So many words were said to Akari that she couldn't keep up in time. Thankfully she was saved and graced by the heavens when a girl speed walked over to him. She assumed it was his girlfriend due to the affectionate gesture of her kissing his cheek. Akari subconsciously watched the girl rather than the boy, probably because of how females are generally kinder and more sympathetic than males.

"don't talk to her Kunimi, she seems weird."

Her world crumbled before her and she took a few steps back. Akari bowed once again before leaving, tears balancing on the brim of her eyes that threatened to fall. She found her way back to her class and sat in her seat. The same boy she met last night at the diner slid the classroom door open and froze when he saw the sad girl.

"sorry, didn't know anyone else was in here."

No reply. Akari stared out the window and at the playground full of students conversing, eating and laughing with one another. One tear fell, then the other before they all started flooding out. 

"hey, hey, what's wrong?" Sakuta asked and made his way over to her.

She looked away from the window and almost jumped in surprise at the boy who was walking with a worried expression on his face. She bowed her head and wiped her tears away. 

14 dec 2022

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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