[1] - instant noodles

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"And that will be 746 yen please." The shop worker said. 

The young girl panicked internally as she fumbled around for the money, nervously glancing at the price written on the till. She placed her money on the counter and prayed internally that it was the right amount. To her delight, she was given her bag with a smile and rushed out of the place. 

The young girl wanted to get home as quickly as possible, without the attention of anyone else. She let out an annoyed sigh when she realised that she had nothing cooked at home and she sure as hell wasn't going to cook at this time in the night. So she crossed the road and stood outside a diner called Benny's.

 The white haired girl nervously paced up and down outside of the entrance door, which got her a few strange looks from people who walked by, and contemplated whether or not she should just go home and make some instant noodles. 

Inside the shop, one worker was staring out the window confused. Her co-worker noticed and followed her line of sight to see a white haired girl with golden eyes walking up and down without a break. 

"she's been doing that for five minutes now." Koga mused, still watching. 

"maybe she has to pee." Sakuta said. 

"why are you like this?" she asked and made her way outside to the girl who stopped pacing once she saw Koga.

"you can come inside if you want, we're not closed yet." Koga smiled sweetly. 

The white haired girl froze in place for a minute before smiling and walking away. noodles it is then. She then saw someone run in front of her, out of breath with an annoyed look on their face, and stopped.

"geez, i've been calling you for ages." he panted. She looked at him as he put his hands on his knees for support. 

"what're you wearing headphones or something?" he then stood up straight and looked at the shocked girl stood before him. 

"why'd you run away from Koga, you can come inside and eat." the girl watched his lips as he spoke to her annoyed, complaining that Koga made him run after a potential customer that might've been spooked by her. She simply looked at him in silence and shook her head politely.


"so, where is she?" Koga asked

"she ran off." Sakuta replied.

"you had one job." she complained and walked to a table, ready to take their order.

"what's up with her?" Kunimi asked as he draped his arm around Sakuta's neck.

"too lazy to do jobs herself." he replied.

14 dec 2022

flipped II sakuta azusagawaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat