"No, but I don't doubt he will find someone who does it. It's a lot of money, and he's not asking for anything we haven't done before," Peter told us.

Dylan and Jace nodded at him. While both were probably talking through their mind link, Robert returned.

"He's alright," Robert told the group of guys. I was completely amazed by them. 

I had seen Rogues before, but none like them. They had surprised me when I saw them at the supermarket because they looked so casual- so normal.

But how they were behaving, and worrying about another Rogue- that was new to me. All the ones I had seen before were always so wild and selfish. These guys were definitely not like that at all.

"Did he say anything?" Peter asked him, looking at Robert desperately. He was the one who seemed more interested in Liam.

"He doesn't want to leave." Even as Robert was saying that, he sounded confused by his own words.

"Okay," Adam whispered, sounding confused as well.

Jace and John, along with about ten other men escorted them out the land. Even though Dylan seemed to trust them more, again he asked Jace to not come back until Adam and the guys were at least fifteen miles away from the land.

"What are you thinking?" I asked Dylan, as he sat on his chair behind his desk.

I was sitting across from him, basically watching him think.

"I might call Blake," Dylan told me.

"You will?" I was surprised that he was planning to do that, but I didn't mind in the slightest.


"Wait, why though?" I now asked, hoping his answer wouldn't be one I didn't want to hear.

"If Nicolas is getting Rogues involved, that means he doesn't care whether the fight is fair or not," Dylan explained.

"And Blake...." I let the sentence hang, knowing he was going to finish explaining.

"Maybe we should attack Nicolas first. If we attack him first, then it doesn't leave a chance for him to come after us," Dylan finished saying.

"Having Blake backing us up for this would give us the advantage. We'll completely wipe them off if we both attack Nicolas."

I could see where Dylan was coming from, but I didn't agree. My stomach suddenly felt knotty just by thinking about what he was planning to do.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Dylan looked at me, frowning.

"Why not?"

"Because if you attack, you will kill people that aren't part of this," I told him, remembering what Jake and I had talked about.

"They are part of the enemy pack, Leila. You need to understand that," Dylan argued.

"Attacking Raven Pack makes us no better than them. I think we should wait until Alpha Jackson or him make the first move. We should just be prepared."

Dylan didn't seem to agree with me, but he didn't add anything else. I was well aware that he wasn't convinced, but I felt I was right.

The afternoon felt lonely. Jace came back to the mansion as soon as he made sure there was no trace of Rogues in the land. John came along with him. The two of them went straight to Dylan's office and they had been in there for hours.

I was left alone with Eric, who was currently lounging around in the game room. We had been watching a movie that Eric had been dying to see. It was interesting to watch how sucked in he was to the movie.

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