5. Wasn't That Hard to Tell, Was It?

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Jake had returned to school like other normal days. And now, both Heeseung and Jake were trailing down the path toward the school library.

Even with no exams coming, they just liked to fill their time with doing revision. It had always been like this. Heeseung helped Jake in Biology, while Jake helped Heeseung with Physics. But for some reason today, they didn't feel like it. So, Heeseung took another way around.

"Let's make a song."

Confused, Jake asked back, "What kind of song?"

"Let's make a love song..."

Heeseung smirked slightly at the younger. But Jake was peering at him with disgust.

"Try that once more and your face will end up inside that rubbish bin."

"Haha! Chill Mr. Shim. I'm practicing for someone..." Heeseung replied nonchalantly.

Jake just scanned Heeseung's whole figure. Never had he ever knew Heeseung had a crush, let alone him trying to make his first move.

"Oh. That nonexistent anime girl you're watching?"

"No! It's not. She came from the class beside Ni-Ki."

Jake felt irritated by the act. Because Heeseung was still denying or keeping a secret on him. He just sat in silent and continued reading the notes on his table. But then something clicked inside his mind.

"Wait... Did you like Eunbyeol?" Heeseung smirked and nodded his head.

Jake irritatedly rolled his eyes.

"Wasn't hard to tell me, was it?"

Jake had expected anyone but her. Eunbyeol was Sunoo's cousin. Jake knew her very well. She's a nice girl with good personality. Just like Sunoo himself.

"Now you don't have to ask me all the time."

After some time, they shifted their place, going toward the library. It was all fine until Heeseung accidentally saw Sunghoon with a sore eyes of another girl from another campus. Heeseung took notice of it and tried his best to distract Jake.

Why the hell he keeps changing his chicks like every single day?

Finally, when Sunghoon was already out of sight, Heeseung turned back toward the cafeteria giving numerous reason on why he was taking another route just now. Jake just let out a sigh as he trailed Heeseung behind. After they were done there, they headed toward the auditorium.

"Let's stayed at the Musical Auditorium. They have some instruments there that we could use."

So with that, they walked down the whole block just to go there. But it was worth it as the massive hall wasn't occupied by any single person at all. The vast paintings on the walls were fascinating.

After some moment had passed, both Heeseung and Jake were done. The song was produced especially for Eunbyeol.

"I'm naming this song as Polaroid Love!" Heeseung grinned as he lifted the lyrics sheets. It was a masterpiece for him.

"Surely she'll like it!" Jake hyped Heeseung up.

"Let's try once again. 1, 2, 3.

It's like a polaroid love..."

It was a perfect song. A masterpiece. Even Jake couldn't deny it. He actually didn't know Heeseung was capable to be as romantic as this. But it was an improvement for him. He's been single for almost 21 years and finally he's making his moves.

"Thanks for helping, Jake! I really appreciate your help," Heeseung casted big smile toward Jake.

Furthermore, Heeseung went out of the hall wanting to get home quickly as possible. Upon reaching his home, he quickly readied himself. Choosing suitable clothes. Practicing the song some more.

Heeseung would do it that same day. Because if it wasn't now then when will it be, right?

''How would she reacts?"

It's actually getting him very anxious currently. Heeseung can't handled all the pressure. The latter kept on glancing at the clock. Counting minutes before the date. When he gathered enough courages, he finally texted Eunbyeol. And surprisingly, Eunbyeol agreed without any hesitation.

Heeseung swiftly reached his car in matter of seconds. And then, he quickly drove toward his destination. Even though he was engulfed by nervousness, he tried his best to conceal the feeling. He didn't want to look silly in front of her.

Upon reaching that massive park, he scanned through it. He hadn't seen Eunbyeol yet. A perfect timing for him to set everything up. Quickly, he sprinted to the seats available, and put up everything needed.

"Heeseung?" A soft-angelic voice spoke. Heeseung glanced up and met with Eunbyeol herself.

"Oh! Hi Eunbyeol."

It was quite awkward for Heeseung. But for Eunbyeol, she didn't know anything, oblivious of what's going to happen next. Heeseung sat there on the bench and shone an idyllic smile toward her.

"Well... I wrote a song for someone. And I want you to listen to it. Maybe, you could give some feedback?"

"Oh! Sure! I would love to."

And Heeseung started to sing. The melody was fascinating. It's a wonderful song. But Eunbyeol just show a small grin and looked fascinated by it. She's still oblivious.

"Wow! I like it so much! The melody and lyrics were perfect," Eunbyeol commented.

"Then if you like it, will you like to be my girlfriend?" Heeseung queried.

"What?! Heeseung... I didn't know..."

"Didn't know?"

"I thought you liked someone else."

"I like you. Not someone else."

Heeseung laid comfortably on the bench. He tried to act cool even though he could feel his heartbeat beating so fast. But he tried his best to contain and conceal those feeling. He didn't want any single flaw to be seen while he's proposing his crush.

"What do you say, Eunbyeol?"

"I do... I do want to be your girlfriend."

Heeseung smiled widely and approached Eunbyeol while she sat there frozen. Sitting beside her, he tried to hugged her.

"Yay! Congratulations!"

"What?! Sunoo?! Jake?! What are you two doing here?"

Sunoo and Jake suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It dropped Heeseung's heart a bit. But Eunbyeol just chuckled.

"Heeseung, did you think we're gonna miss this moment? Plus, Eunbyeol is my cousin. No way I'm going to miss this!" Sunoo laughed.

"Yeah. Plus, Eunbyeol is not that oblivious actually. She knew you liked her. Sunoo told me everything!" Jake continued.

"What?! Eunbyeol you knew?"

"Sort of..."

"Haha. We'll going to remember this day for the whole eternity! This is such a cute moment. Congratulations Noona!"

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